We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The following mutual exchanges are not permitted: Between regular rural letter carrier employees in the same Post Office. 0, how can he/she have • Article 37. 14. Conversion refers to the process of changing a noncareer employee’s status to a career appointment in one personnel action. How can an office go about making an unassigned regular. Postal Service released its Award establishing a new category of non-career mail handler called the Mail Handler Assistant or MHA. 24. My water jug is empty because the work drink machine is broken and it’s 135 in the cab of my truck. City Carrier Discussion. ”You, and every other regular in the office, have a perma-nent scheduled starting time of 7 a. ON ABOUT. I can’t think clearly anymore. H. Section 4. In addition to regular mail forwarding, USPS offers paid Premium Forwarding Service ® options. If an unassigned regular exists within the occupational group, that person should be assigned and everything is then complete as all available vacancies are filled. For a fee, customers can have their mail packed up and sent to them: For Upon return to the craft the carrier will become an unassigned regular. During our discussion, we agreed that there is no dispute between the parties at the National level concerning the meaning and intent of Article 37. Regular Work Force. Congrats fella! I also converted to regular earlier this year. This means that you are still a full‐time clerk, still guaranteed 8 hours of work 5 days a week for 40 hours a week. USPS. A – Full‐time flexible employees and unassigned regular employees are considered unencumbered employees. A settlement was reached between the APWU and the USPS clarifying the changes that the Postal Service made to the Motor Vehicle Operator (MVO) and Tractor Trailer Operator (TTO) qualification standards in 2002. I believe it’s standard that all bids are posted on the first Tuesday of each month (except December) and are posted for a duration of 10 days. The regular on 6 has been 204bing, but he bid on 3 and he's done supervising as soon as they find his replacement. Although Article 12. a part of the regular workforce and have flexible work hours rather than a fixed schedule. When a career employee is temporarily absent, his or her position may be filled by temporary assignment, reassignment, or promotion. • If no vacancies exist on the T-6 string but one of the assignments is “held down” by a PTF, CCA, unassigned regular, or reserve regular carrier on an Article 41 opt, the carrier on the hold down is displaced by the T-6 and the Just the basic stuff that a regular carrier supposed to do on a route. “The term “unassigned regular” is used in those instances where a full-time 12 are intended to protect career postal employees by providing a WE ARE NOT AFFILIATED WITH THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE - ALL MODERATORS ARE HERE OF THEIR OWN VOLITION FOR UNPAID FORUM MODERATION. Eligibility—Page 41-10 of the 2014 USPS-NALC Joint Con- Once you officially have a bid or are an unassigned regular, if you just want to bid out to somewhere else in your local cluster, you would just do so on eJobBidding on LiteBlue. They can give you all the OT they want. As a ptf if you work 32 weeks averaging 40 hours a week it shows there is enough there for a fulltime position. COM. com Home › Buy Stamps & Shop › Print Labels with Postage › Customer Service › Delivering Solutions to the Last Mile › OTHER USPS SITES. 10, to place unassigned regulars into any residual assignments; to do so in this case would have created a conflict with Article 17. Is it based off hours of ccas or ptfs working is it based off how many regulars there are?… In April, the USPS will begin posting 5,291 the bids agreed to under the Conversion MOU, in accordance with Article 12 of the National Agreement. Either Sunday and another day if your office has fixed days or Sunday and rotating. I also have 300 packages and 2 more trays of dps. When a full-time regular assignment (e. Question: Does a Postal Support Employee (PSE) hired in an Administrative Post Office (APO), that allows for the 24-month automatic conversion to career, maintain that right and benefit if they are involuntarily reassigned as a PSE to a Level 4 Remotely Managed Post Office (RMPO) in the same 116K subscribers in the USPS community. Postal Service for which they have, in the An employee who becomes an unassigned regular will continue to work the same hours and schedule days the employee worked immediately prior to becoming unassigned unless notified of a change in work schedule before expiration of the first 28 days after the date on which the employee became assigned. Unassigned regular positions are level CC1 positions and have regularly scheduled hours and days off. Also at issue, is whether or not management is required to repost a duty assignment before assigning it to an unassigned regular when the senior bidder fails to qualify during the deferment period. 1. They will do whatever they can to weasal out of that though. 20” attached to the Additional F1 Staffing MOU imply acceptance by the APWU, create a standard, or change either party’s position on whether any computer program/model establishes clerk craft staffing, or affects any disputes where this term/earned hours are cited? Non-Traditional Full-time (NTFT) duty assignments are those that have weekly schedules of 30-48 hours (see JCIM, Article 7. After working as an unassigned regular clerk, Marcino successfully bid to a lower-grade position with saved grade and pay. Article 41. 10, is authorized to place an unassigned regular, who did not bid or is not the successful bidder, in any residual vacancy. I as of today won a indefinite hold down at my station and the station I will be an unassigned regular. So I just found out I will be converted to an unassigned regular next month. When a carrier becomes an unassigned regular as a result of these changes, the carrier is eligible to bid on any assignment within his or her bidding area -including residual vacancies, other positions held pending reversion and positions withheld for excessing. ” 104K subscribers in the USPS community. g. A). Go to USPS r/USPS • by unassigned regular question . Those bids will be posted for bidding installation wide. WE ARE NOT AFFILIATED WITH THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE - ALL MODERATORS ARE HERE OF THEIR OWN VOLITION… 7-24 JCAM Re: Maximization/Full-time Flexible - NALC Where a part-time flexible has performed letter carrier duties in an installation at least 40 hours a week (8 within 9, or 8 within 10, as applicable), 5 days a week, over a period of 6 months (excluding the duration of seasonal periods on seasonal routes, defined in Article 41, Section 3. conversion to full-time regular status of a part-time Any ill or injured full-time regular or part-time flexible Whether a CCA must serve a “lock in” when they are convert- employee having a minimum of five years of postal service, ed to career status is addressed by the parties’ joint Questions or any full-time regular or part-time flexible employee who and Answers 2011 USPS/NALC National Aug 4, 2022 · In accordance with the May 24, 2022, Memorandum of Understanding Re: City Delivery Staffing Adjustment – Hiring Part-Time Flexible City Letter Carriers (), NALC and USPS have signed three memorandums of agreement which provide for an additional 43 installations in which the Postal Service will convert all city carrier assistants to part-time flexible (PTF) career status. Edit: Also be sure you make them assign you a schedule so they cant pull some bullshit about floating your days off. ), certain letter carriers may exercise the right to opt to work (or hold-down) that assignment for the duration of the temporary vacancy. All residual vacancies from any posting after March 1st will be filled by placing the junior unassigned regular into that position. This Step 4 Settlement Agreement involved the assignment of an unassigned full-time employee to a residual vacancy. In February 2013, a three-member arbitration panel established to determine the terms of the 2011 National Agreement between the National Postal Mail Handlers Union and the U. A If you find yourself without a duty assignment on January 24, 2015, you will be considered an “unassigned regular”. FTR - Full Time Regular ----- full time schedule, regular, predictable schedule. Newly created full-time unassigned regular (incumbent only) positions which increase full-time complement and are in addi-tion to the duty assignments referenced in Article 7. Not until it is vacated. 5 months. The Parties agree that management has a… . (FLSA), postal policy, and established contractual agreements. m. The route is adjusted to the regular of the route, not you, an unassigned regular. You’re an unassigned regular, which basically makes you a CCA/PTF with benefits and a mandatory 40 hr work week. A, Section 7). Good evening, I was converted to regular last July and have been in a station ever since then. It was mutually agreed that qualified, unassigned full-time employee with less than 90 days in an unassigned status may be assigned to a residual vacancy, and that unqualified, unassigned full-time employee with less than 90 days in an unassigned status may not Information Service Centers, Postal Service Training and Development Institute, Oklahoma Postal Training Operations, Postal Academies, Postal Academy Training Institute, Stamped Envelope Agency, Supply Centers, Mail Equipment Shops, or Mail Transport Equipment Centers. In many offices these things go completely neglected because the stupidvisors don't want to give the proper time to do it and/or the regular carriers simply don't care. 1 Law 546. The mutual exchange of regular rural letter carrier employees of different Post Offices is permitted in accordance with the applicable provisions of the USPS–NRLCA National Agreement. If no eligible career letter carrier (Such as an PTF or Unassigned Regular) has requested to work the assignment, the opt will be awarded to the eligible CCA with the highest relative standing who requested it and is not already on another opt. When the 204B's route goes up for bid, the 204B is automatically declared an unassigned regular in this case. The significance of this settlement is that the parties recognized that Motor Vehicle Operators are afforded the opportunity for IF NEEDED, OFFICIALS MAY SEND MODMAIL WITH QUESTIONS. event that there are more unassigned full-time carriers than vacancies, these vacancies may be filled by assigning the unassigned employees by jeniority. What'll USPS-APWU Joint Contract Interpretation Manual July 2012 Page 99 Motor Vehicle craft employees are identified for excessing by their craft seniority and position designation. days, if the number of FTR duty assignments is less than the. CC2 carriers earn higher pay than CC1 carriers. The employee shall be placed in a detail assignment on the tour and non-scheduled days in the occupational group and level of the duty assignment for which the training is intended. All unassigned regulars have opting rights, regardless of the reason for the unassigned status (Step 4, H94N-4H-C 96007241, September 25, 2000, M-01431). number of full‐time clerks in the installation,Article 37. Just wanted to make sure you know that, even as an unassigned regular, you are still supposed to have a set schedule. Regular carriers (FLSA Code A) are paid at the regular rate for all hours worked up to 8 per day and 40 per week, and at the overtime rate for all hours worked in excess of 8 per day or 40 per week. One of them is filled with a guy who just doesn't want a route and opts onto different things every week or two to cover vacations, and another by a guy on a long term opt of an "unfillable" route. WE ARE NOT USPS CUSTOMER SERVICE - CUSTOMER SUPPORT QUESTIONS ARE NOT ALLOWED - please seek assistance from the US Postal Service for all package inquiries. 22 Employee Self–Nomination Employees who desire noncompetitive reassignment may nominate themselves by making a written request to the selecting official. An assignment is a route or other work performed by a full-time regular letter carrier on a daily basis. 10, when the clerk subsequently becomes a senior bidder on another assignment and enters a deferment period. Part A CCA has had a hold on 6 for a year now. NTFT assignments are not allowed in Function 1 Mail Processing. USPS. Response: Yes. Jan 12, 2021 · USPS provided “Clerk Conversion List 12. I'm unable to regularly do 8 hours on it and was nearly threatened by management (more like intimidation to be faster) that if I dont improve they'll dismantle it and make me an unassigned regular and just give that other aux to a carrier in the next town that has undertime. 18. Unassigned Regular. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LETTER CARRIERS MARCH 2010 I POSTAL RECORD 29 Y ou come back to the office and there is a notice onthe time clock to all carriers which reads: “All carriers, report at 8:00 a. 2. I understand hours outside of that should be paid at time-and-a-half for being out… Mar 7, 2014 · The issue in this grievance concerns a regular carrier’s right to require a leave replacement be assigned to their route in accordance with Article 30. You may or may not "win" the bid, because it goes by seniority. When a carrier becomes an unassigned regular per 41. Unassigned regular is a regular with no route, a ptf is a part time flexible. Recently supervisors have menitoned to me that I… Dec 8, 2004 · Marcino was reassigned as an unassigned regular clerk, and all petitioners, except for Conover, likewise spent at least some time working as an unassigned regular clerk. This USPS Step 4 Denial outlines Management's position on whether management may properly hold a clerk accountable for the requirements of a residual vacancy assigned under the provisions of Article 37, Section 3. The unassigned regular gets 2 days off a week (generally Sunday & an assigned day off) as well as the option to be an 8 hour only carrier or an overtime desired carrier. 355 Light Duty Assignments 355. If there are any vacant routes or bid jobs in the installation or office it must be given to any unassigned regulars in order of seniority to choose, however if all uar decline then the most junior would be put on it in an example where say there are 2-3 vacant jobs While management has an obligation, under Article 37. Copies may be requisitioned from the material distribution centers by using PS Form 7380, MDC Supply Requisition, during regular requisitioning cycles. Normally, step 2 isn’t applied and we go to step 3. 17. When your regular work schedule includes a period of service, of hour of work performed during that period. 3. R of the National Agreement), the senior part-time The Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM) provides comprehensive guidance for USPS employees on various aspects of their work, including organization, staffing, pay, leave, benefits, and labor relations. Definition 546 Reassignment or Reemployment of Employees Injured on Duty 546. I would have to assume I would have the same days off as a regular of the route I have a hold down on, but I am not sure. 4 it takes as long as it takes. This is an unofficial forum for USPS employees, customers, and anyone else to discuss the USPS and USPS related topics. Employees in this category shall be hired pur-suant to such procedures as the Employer may establish and shall be assigned to regular schedules consisting of five (5) eight (8) hour days in a service week. See Forever postage stamp prices and other postage rates. But it sounds like they've already eval'd it and they'll be adding the collections route to it regardless of what you're doing. I'm looking for advice from anyone with experience in this field, i. You will have 2 non‐scheduled days per week. tomorrow. Management, in accordance with Article 37. Article 7 of the National Agreement defines the different classifications of Your steward was probably talking about the 32 week conversion rule. 110 Clerk 380 PTR/PM 710 Regular Rural Carrier 111 Nurse 389 Inspection Service Ptr 720 Sub Rural Carrier Vac Rte 119 Purchasing and Sm Spec 390 Medical Officer 730 Sub Rurl Car Non Vac Rte 120 Mailhandler FT 410 PT Flex Clerk 740 Rural Carrier Associate 134 Carrier FT 411 Nurse 750 Rural Carrier Relief Kinda complicated issue, I'm a cca , in my office they are making an unassigned regular spot, it was promised to me. 353. WE ARE NOT AFFILIATED WITH THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE - ALL MODERATORS ARE HERE OF THEIR OWN VOLITION… Question about Unassigned Regulars With the impending arrival of 5500ish jobs nationwide in the Clerk Craft, my plant has recently handed out preference sheets to the PSE's to be filled out this week. Any full-time regular or part-time flexible employee recuperating from a serious illness or injury and temporarily unable to perform the assigned duties may voluntarily submit a written request to the installation head for temporary assignment to a light duty assignment. An employee who becomes an unassigned regular will continue to work the same hours and scheduled days the employee worked immediately prior to becoming unassigned unless notified of a change in work schedule before expiration of the first 28 days after the date on which the employee became unassigned. The Postal Service has legal responsibilities to employees with job–related disabilities under 5 U. JCAM art 25. B. Welcome to USPS. Note: When your mail forwarding period ends, USPS will return your mail to the sender for 6 months with a label that has your new address. Don’t let them screw with you at all, make sure you hit up a steward and know your rights as a regular. FLSA Code A Regular Carriers. 8151 and the OPM regulations as outlined below. 11 General. D. FLSA Code A employees are not entitled to any X days as they are paid for working the relief day. Postal overtime is compensation paid pursuant to Postal Service regulations and in accordance with applicable provisions of the collective bargaining agreements to eligible personnel at 150 percent of each employee’s basic hourly rate for actual work hours in excess of 8 paid hours in a day, 40 paid hours in a service week or, if a full-time regular letter carrier returns or a regular letter carrier is assigned. If called in out of schedule, 8 hour guarantee. It was the position of the Postal Service that there is no requirement to post the duty assignment that is vacated by an unassigned regular, and that these duty assignments are moved to that assignment and the regular carrier called in does their normal assignment. PTF - Part Time Flexible ----- part time, guaranteed 2 hours of work at minimum, per pay period. if the opportunity is a residual vacancy(s), assign-ment of an unassigned full-time regular or full-time flexible city letter carrier in the same installation; b. Jul 28, 2016 · You tremble in anticipation as you prepare to bridge that vast chasm that has heretofore separated you from real people—meaning regular postal employees who are treated humanely, as opposed to the second-class citizen, postal peonage, indentured servitude approach you have been subjected to. Track packages, pay and print postage with Click-N-Ship, schedule free package pickups, look up ZIP Codes, calculate postage prices, and find everything you need for sending mail and shipping packages. Full-Time. F. And don’t get pressure to run a route under 8 hrs just because you turned regular. Accordingly, as we further agreed, this case is hereby remanded to the parties at Step 3 for further processing if necessary. IF NEEDED, OFFICIALS MAY SEND MODMAIL WITH QUESTIONS. days or more (because the regular letter carrier is on vacation or ill, or the assignment temporarily has no regular letter carrier assigned, etc. 7 of the National Agreement states that unassigned fulltime regular carriers may be assigned to vacant residual full-time duty assignments for which there are no bidders. 23 Authorized management officials may reassign nonbargaining employees without following regular competitive procedures (see Handbook EL-312, section 743. When I converted, I received a letter with my assigned schedule. OUT-OF-SCHEDULE PREMIUM PAY This rate is paid to eligible regular employees, at an additional 50% of the employee's basic hourly rate, for time worked outside of, and instead of, their regular schedule, when working on a IF NEEDED, OFFICIALS MAY SEND MODMAIL WITH QUESTIONS. And I’m out of nicotine. Was told today a ptf from out of town was trying to transfer to my office (they would then get that unassigned regular spot) supervisor said she is trying to decline the transfer. So we have a guy in our office, an UAR, but there's not enough work for him to fulfill his 40 hrs. The selected noncareer employee should not be separated and then given a career appointment unless the employee’s appointment expires before the employee can be converted to career status. Archived post. 1. This USPS Step 4 Denial outlines Management's position on whether an unassigned regular's duty assignment must be posted when the employee receives a regular position. Business Customer Gateway › Postal Inspectors › Inspector General An unassigned regular is an 8 hour/day 40 hour week guarantee career employee. C. Once you are assigned to a route, then you can choose to be no-list, work assignment or OTDL. 1 Voluntary Requests 355. The term "unassigned regular" is used in those instances where a full-time letter carrier does not hold a duty assignment with set duties. They can place hold downs on regular routes AND apply for a detail to higher level T-6 position under article 25. more than 8 hours in a service day may have paid court leave and postal duty in excess of8 hours up to the employee's regular schedule. Your next objective is your own route whether from bidding or getting assigned. My route consists of 2 aux routes, one in my hometown office, and the other in a different town. Your next step would be to ask for a 271-G special count after you've officially been the regular on it for a couple months. A. ELM Revision: Assignment of Unassigned Employees Effective January 4, 2018, the Postal Service™ is revising the Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM), part 354, to provide clear and concise information for employees regarding reduction in force and reduction in force avoidance. In these cases, within 14 days the applicant shall be reassigned as an unassigned regular in his/her current occupational group and level. There is an unassigned regular on 3 right now. 3. This IF NEEDED, OFFICIALS MAY SEND MODMAIL WITH QUESTIONS. Keep an eye out for open bids and bid bid bid r/USPS • I left my wallet at home:(. WE ARE NOT AFFILIATED WITH THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE - ALL MODERATORS ARE HERE OF THEIR OWN VOLITION FOR UNPAID FORUM MODERATION. The regular work force shall be com-prised of two categories of employees which are as follows: 1. Full-time regular, Part-time regular and Part-time flexible employees are each IF NEEDED, OFFICIALS MAY SEND MODMAIL WITH QUESTIONS. You earn the conversion at 24 months but it doesn't process till 25. The way being a regular works, you attempt to choose your own position through a bidding system of open positions. ble schedule letter carriers, unassigned full-time carriers, and part-time flexible carriers may all opt for hold-down assignments. , a route) is temporarily vacant for five days or more, eligible letter carriers have the right to "opt" or "hold down" that assignment for the duration IF NEEDED, OFFICIALS MAY SEND MODMAIL WITH QUESTIONS. Distribution. However, National Arbitrator Mittenthal ruled that an unassigned regular may not be involuntarily removed from a hold-down to fill a residual full-time vacancy USPS postage rates offer low-cost mailing and shipping prices for domestic & international customers. 11). Almost a year in and I think I've been transferred/loaned to most stations in the city carrying mail or doing strictly parcels and am currently stationed in an up class rich neighborhood and this station is in the top 5 in our city that has the most mail and parcels and most of the time I'm just doing any of the routes or parcels every single day and I'm getting tired of my supervisor just WE ARE NOT AFFILIATED WITH THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE - ALL MODERATORS ARE HERE OF THEIR OWN VOLITION FOR UNPAID FORUM MODERATION. You ask yourself if it has been worth it. 716 Positions Filled Temporarily. employee who becomes an unassigned regular will continue to work the same hours and scheduled days the employee worked immediately prior to becoming unassigned unless notified of a change in work schedule before expiration of the first 28 days after the date on which the employee became unassigned. When not assigned to a posted position, employees assume, as their regular work schedule, the hours worked in the first week of the pay period in which the change to unassigned regular occurred. Is the CCA's hold on 6 broken now that it's up for bid? Will the unassigned regular on 3 get assigned to 6? (This article first appeared in the July/August 2022 issue of the American Postal Worker magazine) 1. Do "unassigned regular" employees have a regular schedule. This revision replaces Handbook EL-401, Supervisor’s Guide to Scheduling and Premium Pay. Premium Forwarding Services. In my station we have 5 unassigned regular "routes" that you can bid onto. PTFs are identified by USPS designation-activity code 43-4 on their PS Form 50, Notification of Personnel Action and in the Time and Attendance Collection System (TACS). Can the schedule of an "unassigned regular" employee be permanently changed without paying "out-of-schedule" premium? We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. A are con-sidered available the date the Postal Service notifies the national union that an unassigned regular opportunity will be filled. com. A. 4. 11 Circumstances. 1 Definition. Other Positions City letter carriers shall continue to be entitled to bid or apply for all other positions in the U. Oct 1, 2017 · The request should be submitted in writing, and CCAs should keep a copy of the request. Are employees in NTFT duty assignments eligible for Military Leave? ANSWER: Yes. Unassigned Regulars are people in FTR status who do not hold a bid or a route in their office or plant. When a regular assignment is temporarily vacant for five days or more (because the regular letter carrier is on vaca-tion, is ill, the assignment temporar- IF NEEDED, OFFICIALS MAY SEND MODMAIL WITH QUESTIONS. 3 unless the steward voluntarily agreed to the station or tour change. Depending on the size of the office, some move up to "unassigned regular" rather than PTF. As an unassigned regular you will be able to opt on routes, you'll also get the days off for the route you're on. The first schedule assigned to the employees in the "unassigned regular" status becomes the employee's regular schedule. Can they B. The applicant must understand the terms of such an assignment — specifically, that when the absent employee returns, the applicant returns to the position he or she occupied prior to the temporary assignment (see 716. In this case, the 204b would get one of the routes even if she never does works a single day on it (Article 41. 3 of the National Agreement provides five routes per week. Revision. Is an employee in a NTFT duty assignment eligible to receive Administrative Leave? ANSWER: Yes. I was recently promoted to "Unassigned Regular" at my post office. If there are no bids on a route, unassigned regulars would be assigned the bid first (Article 41. S. Form 1723, Notice of Assignment, shall be used in detailing letter carriers to temporary supervisor positions (204b). • Once any career FTF has been unencumbered for 120 calendar. Newsroom › USPS Service Alerts › Forms & Publications › Careers › Site Index › ON USPS. D will “Unassigned Regular Full-Time Employees: All unassigned regular full-time employees must be assigned regular work schedules. I believe your conversion date would be approximately august 14 at which time you would auto convert to an unassigned regular. Description of Opting or Hold-Down in USPS The terms "opting" and "hold-down" refer to the same thing and are part of the USPS-NALC National Agreement. 2. Wish me luck that I can do this in 4 hours or less. You will be made an unassigned regular in this case. e pros/cons and tips/tricks for the possibilities of this position. Get a color or whatever. 363 Conversions 363. A letter carrier temporarily detailed to a supervisory position will not be returned to the craft solely to circumvent the provisions of Section l. Full-time regular opportunities defined above will be filled within 28 days of becoming available in the following order: a. 13. hn de qo zk zw zk ju ot vp ba