Laramie county clerk of district court. 1868 through June 1994.
Laramie county clerk of district court , Nov. Jan 21, 2021 · Visit the Albany County website and click the “Online Bill Pay” link at the bottom of the screen. Tagged as: , Press Release County Treasurer; Clerk of District Court; Laramie County Sheriff's Office; County Departments Sub-menu. Other Courts Nearby. They have two sons, Aden 16, and Eli, 13. (See Uniform Rules for District Courts of the State of Wyoming, Rule 203. County Treasurer; Clerk of District Court; Laramie County Sheriff's Office Laramie County is located in the southeast corner of Wyoming and shares a border with The Wyoming trial court system consists of District Courts, Circuit Courts, and Municipal Courts. 4, in the library’s Cottonwood Room from 1 p. Laramie County District Court Complex. Election information for Laramie County. Laramie Circuit Court Grand Avenue, Laramie, WY Handles civil cases under $50,000, small claims, misdemeanors, juvenile matters, and probate issues. DayMonday, February 17 President’s DayMonday, May 26 Memorial DayThursday, June 19 JuneteenthFriday, July 4 Independence DayWednesday, July 23 Cheyenne Day (Full Day County Treasurer; Clerk of District Court; Laramie County Sheriff's Office; County Departments Sub-menu. 66c3ab5c-28e9-4328-aaa3-bba48062cde1. 5 Clerk’s Office Will Receive Absentee Ballots Delivered Up to 7 p. The Wyoming Stat County Treasurer; Clerk of District Court; Laramie County Sheriff's Office; County Departments Sub-menu. Box 1106 Laramie, Wyoming 82070 (307) 721-2508 Second Judicial District, Carbon County Clerk of District Court P. First Judicial District, Laramie County Clerk of District Court P. Wyoming Supreme Court 2301 Capitol Avenue 0. 633. Instrument having more than five (5) grantors or grantees of a different surname--each posting of a surname exceeding five (5) Clerk of District Court at Laramie County · I am honored to serve Laramie County as the Clerk of District Court since 2015. THERE WILL BE A VIRTUAL LINK OPTION FOR THOSE UNABLE TO ATTEND IN PERSON BUT WOULD LIKE TO PROVIDE COMMENT OR ASK QUESTIONS. 4392; Email: cccys@courts. 0 mile away. Candidate Filling Signals End of Voters’ Ability to Change Political Party Ahead of August Primary Election Marriage licenses are issued by appointment only Monday through Friday (excluding legal holidays) between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:30 pm. 20 and early and absentee voting starts July 23. LARAMIE COUNTY STAFF WILL BE HOLDING PROPOSED LAND USE REGULATION OPEN HOUSES ON JANUARY 15TH AND 22ND FROM 5:00 - 7:00 PM MST AT THE ARCHER EVENTS CENTER LOCATED AT 3801 ARCHER PARKWAY. Use the “District Court Notice of Appeal Forms” to appeal a criminal judgment and sentence that was decided in a Wyoming district court. Payment shall be received within 10 days of the clerk’s receipt of the electronic filing, or the clerk may report that failure to the judge, who may strike the pleading or dismiss the case. Directions Physical Address: View Map 525 Grand Avenue Suite 305 Laramie, WY 82070. 5, due to the General Election. Felony criminal cases, and juvenile and probate matters are decided in the district court. The Laramie County Clerk’s office announced the April 15, 2022 launch of the county’s Historical Minutes site of Board of County Commissioners records dating from Jan. Phone: 307-721-2508. Laramie County Commissioner Boardroom, 310 W. For more information concerning the Laramie County DUI Court program and Laramie County Adult Drug Court program you can contact Fernando Muzquiz 309 W 20 th St. Wyoming Appellate E-Filing. County Commissioners (2 seats) County Assessor (remainder of the unexpired term) Retention of Justices of the Supreme Court; Retention of Circuit Court Judges College and School Boards (Laramie County Community College, Laramie County School Districts #1 and #2) Cheyenne Mayor and City Council (nonpartisan) The Clerk of District Court Office (CODC) encourages you to seek legal counsel for any court procedure. 27 Mar 2025 Planning Commission Meeting. Cheyenne District Court West 20th Street, Cheyenne, WY - 41. Liens against motor vehicles are filed with the Titles Division as Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) filings. 20 in the Cottonwood Room of the Laramie County Library, 2200 Pioneer Ave County Treasurer; Clerk of District Court; Laramie County Sheriff's Office; County Departments Sub-menu. Commissioner (R) Heath, Linda M. (PDF, 4MB) Commissioner (R) Malm, Gunnar (PDF, 1MB) Commissioner (R) Thompson, Troy (PDF, 784KB) Coroner. Election Countdown: Primary Election Candidate Filing Period Starts May 16 th and ends May 31 st. Below is a directory of court locations in Laramie County. The Laramie County Circuit Court, located in Cheyenne, Wyoming, is part of the 1st Judicial District of Wyoming. Making an appointment . Jan 8, 2025 · Laramie County Clerk of District Court Dian Sanchez's office handles a wide range of First Judicial District Court duties. 12. state. muzquiz@laramiecountywy. He began his career in 1986 as a Mesa, AZ police officer and retired in 2006 to become the Chief of Police in the ski resort town of Avon, CO. 20 th St. Contact Information. Contact Us: commissioners@laramiecountywy. The office handles various legal matters, including civil cases, criminal cases, traffic violations, and family law issues. 1 miles. The Information Technology Department is a centralized department that reports to the Laramie County Commissioners. 20 Primary Election. Judicial District Court Name County Name City Clerk of Court; 1: District Court, 1st Judicial District, Laramie County: Laramie: Cheyenne: Diane Sanchez: 2: Designated Public Records Person Dale Davis, Chief Deputy Laramie County Clerk's Office P. Albany County 525 E Grand Avenue | Laramie, WY 82070. 5 GPA or Higher. to 5:00 p. Commissioner's Assistant County Treasurer; Clerk of District Court; Laramie County Sheriff's Office; County Departments Sub-menu. Please apply by filling out the application below and please include your personal email. March 27, 2025. Licenses are issued in the Laramie County Governmental Complex, 309 W 20th St, Ste 1600. 19th Street Suite 310, 82001, View Map County Treasurer; Clerk of District Court; Laramie County Sheriff's Office; County Departments Sub-menu. 12, Burns Plex, 327 S Main, 8 a. Smith withdrew from the race on July 26. A Verdict and Case Docket is a public document, and can be released by the Coroner's Office upon proper request by families, investigative agencies, legal, law enforcement, summary reports and legal notices. Laramie County. The Clerk of District Court is responsible for maintaining the records of all cases filed in the First Judicial District Court dating back to 1890. Box 787 Cheyenne, WY 82003-0787 First page. 309 West 20th Street, Cheyenne, WY 82001. A Sunday early voting option is available on Oct. Nearby Courts: Laramie County District Court Complex 309 W. LCSO Ballistic Shields Closing date March 28, 2025, 12:00 PM. C-Track, the browser based CMS for Appellate Courts. Use the “ Circuit Court Notice of Appeal Forms ” to appeal a criminal judgment and sentence that was decided in a Wyoming circuit court. 4298; Fax: 307. Laramie County’s Historical Minutes Site, Jan. Cheyenne, WY 82001 : Jessica Bennetts. Marriage licenses are issued by appointment only Monday through Friday (excluding legal holidays) between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:30 pm. gov County Treasurer; Clerk of District Court; Laramie County Sheriff's Office; County Departments Sub-menu. Laramie Municipal Court East Ivinson Street, Laramie, WY - 0. By selecting Clerk of District Court-General Payment Portal, you will be taken to a payment page where you add your personal and payment information. We provide networking, programming and analysis services, micro and mini computer purchasing and maintenance, software purchasing and upgrades, software applications training for all County Departments and users, and miscellaneous technology consulting services to all County County Treasurer; Clerk of District Court; Laramie County Sheriff's Office; County Departments Sub-menu. The Clerk has many duties which include the processing of cases and court ordered payments, as well as the administration of appeals from this court to the Wyoming Supreme Court, and setting up and See full list on courts. Announcements. Wyoming Region 7 (Goshen, Laramie, and Platte Counties), in collaboration with local municipalities, districts, and other community organizations, is updating the 2018 Hazard Mitigation Plan. The Laramie County District Court Clerk's office, located in Cheyenne, Wyoming, is responsible for managing court records, issuing legal documents, and providing administrative support to the court. 721. – 5:00 p. Each additional page. O. 19 St, Suite 140, Cheyenne WY 82001 at least 2 months prior to the term The Board of Laramie County Commissioners hereby gives notice of a public hearing for the formation of an improvement and service district. The Laramie County Sheriff's Office, located in Laramie County, Wyoming, is seeking bids for the procurement of ballistic shields. The Clerk of District Court's Office is dedicated to efficiently and effectively assisting Within 10 days after the ceremony, the completed license must be returned to the issuing County Clerk's office. Follow us on Social Media County Clerk Debra Lee Office Location 309 W 20th St. , Rm. District Attorney (R) Miller Hackl, Sylvia (PDF Jul 5, 2024 · Wyoming’s Primary Election is Aug. A district court exists in all 23 counties organized into nine judicial districts. Published opinions and orders Please contact our office at 307-633-4303 with any additional questions. Larimer County Justice Center 201 La Porte Ave, Suite 100 24. FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT COUNTY OF LARAMIE ) IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ) CREDITOR’S CLAIM ) Docket # _____) Deceased ) County Treasurer; Clerk of District Court; Laramie County Sheriff's Office; County Departments Sub-menu. , Suite 1500. o. . Published on May 07, 2024. Wyoming Probate Clerk. THE CONDITION of this bond is that the defendant is to appear in the District Court of the First Judicial District, in the City of Cheyenne, County of Laramie, State of Wyoming, in accordance with all orders and directions of the court relating to the appearance of the defendant before the Court in the above entitled case; and if the defendant Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Laramie County info. The Laramie County Clerk has partnered with the Laramie County Library to offer Primary Election satellite early voting and registration on Sunday, Aug. 310 W 19th St, Suite 300. Cheyenne, WY 82001 Office Hours Monday-Friday 8:00 a. ; Albin Community Center, 430 5 th Ave. Box 608 Cheyenne, WY 82003 The Clerk of District Court is responsible for maintaining the records of all cases filed in the First Judicial District Court . 307-633-4260. 1 mile away. The Laramie County Commissioners offer a $500 per semester scholarship to a University or Community College in State for students with a 2. County Treasurer; Clerk of District Court; Laramie County Sheriff's Office; County Departments Sub-menu. 20th Street, Room 3205 Laramie County Clerk’s office launched a new service May 10, 2023, to reduce the time customers spend standing in line for title services. For more information on which types of cases each court oversees, compare Wyoming courts . Box 787 Cheyenne, Wyoming 82003 (307) 633-4270 Second Judicial District, Albany County Clerk of District Court 525 Grand Avenue, Ste. May 7, 2024 · Election Countdown. gov. Laramie County Clerk's Office P. Clerk of District Court (R) Sanchez, Diane (PDF, 1MB) County Commissioners. us Location. The district courts are the trial courts of general jurisdiction. complete list of full‐time Laramie County employees and elected officials as of 87945. The Planning Commission is responsible for ensuring that land use and development proposals comply with the Laramie County Land Use Regulations and meet the community vision set forth in the Laramie County Comprehensive Plan. Oct 9, 2024 · Subject: RE: Wyoming Public Records Act Request: Laramie County Clerk of the District Court Jury List Request. Albany County Courthouse; 525 Brian Kozak Laramie County Sheriff Telephone 307-633-4700; Profile Brian was elected Sheriff on November 8, 2022. LARAMIE COUNTY, WY-Offices of the Laramie County Clerk, except for Real Estate and Recording, will be closed for business on Tues. The Clerk has many duties which include the processing of cases and court ordered payments, as well as the administration of appeals from this court to the Wyoming Supreme Court, and setting up and monitoring all jury trials in the First Judicial District. Location. Case Search Issue Search Participant Search Draft The Laramie County Clerk’s office has received official notification from the Secretary of State’s office that legislative candidate Gregg Smith has withdrawn from the Senate District #4 Republican Primary. 21-8058, 21-8059, and 21-8060 _____ Appeal from the United States District Court for the District County Treasurer; Clerk of District Court; Laramie County Sheriff's Office; County Departments Sub-menu. Wyoming Region 7 Hazard Mitigation Plan Update. Nos. His 27 years of service at the Laramie County Sheriff's Office, including patrolling the rural areas, retiring as a Captain, and working with all of the county entities, are a testament LARAMIE COUNTY 2025 HOLIDAY SCHEDULEWednesday, January 1 New Years DayMonday, January 20 Martin Luther King Jr. 305 Laramie, Wyoming 82070 (307) 721-2508 Second Judicial District, Carbon County Clerk of District Court P. to 11 a. Laramie County, Wyoming - Home - Logo DEBRA LEE, Laramie County Clerk, in her official capacity; CHARLES GRAY, Wyoming Secretary of State, in his official capacity; SYLVIA HACKL, Laramie County District Attorney, in her official capacity, Defendants - Appellants/Cross-Appellees. 3205, Cheyenne, WY 82001 CREDITOR’S CLAIM THE STATE OF WYOMING) IN DISTRICT COURT ) ss. The reason for the Mitigation Plan. 2520; Email: slam@co. Emily Fowler, Chief Clerk Voice: 307. Clerk's Office. 3. Box 67 Rawlins, Wyoming 82301 (307) 328-2628 Resources for the Laramie County District Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Laramie County, Wyoming, and resources applicable to all courts in Wyoming. Link: Clerk of Court Page Building Maintenance. Box 608 Cheyenne, WY 82003 307-633-4264. 309 W. Mailing Address P. This is the last satellite voting opportunity prior to the Aug. Box 67 Rawlins, Wyoming 82301 (307) 328-2628 Laramie County Government Clerk of District Court Diane Sanchez Laramie County Governmental Complex 309 west 20th Street P. Licenses are issued in the Laramie County Governmental Complex, 309 W 20th St, Suite 1600. opens in new tab or window . 2508; Fax: 307. us Clerk of District Court Forms. 8614a966-2755-45e7-a7b2-16998d045f95. Their cases span a wide range of legal matters County Treasurer; Clerk of District Court; Laramie County Sheriff's Office; County Departments Sub-menu. 24 GUTIERREZ ANDY DISTRICT COURT SPEC Laramie County Community Juvenile Service Joint Powers Board 1 Terms, 3- Year term, No Term Limits, Meets Regularly each month If you are interested in applying for any Boards, please fill out the attached application form and turn into the Human Resources office at 310 W. Pribble@laramiecountywy. Financial records, including original invoices and supporting documents, are available for public inspection in the Laramie County Finance Office. Box 787 Cheyenne, Wyoming 82003 (307) 633-4270 Second Judicial District, Albany County Clerk of District Court P. on Election Day . <br><br>I started working in the Laramie County Clerk of Clerk of District Court; Laramie County Sheriff's Office; County Departments Sub-menu. wy. This allows customers to join the line, online, from their home or office, or make an appointment for services (appointments cannot be made on Mondays or Fridays) . Kind regards, Dale Davis, Chief Deputy, CERA Laramie County Clerk’s office 309 W 20th Street, Ste 1530 Cheyenne, WY 82001 (307) 633-4266 County Treasurer; Clerk of District Court; Laramie County Sheriff's Office; County Departments Sub-menu. County Coroner Records Request. Email I have forwarded your email to the District Court Clerk. Shawna currently serves as an elementary school teacher for Laramie County School District #1. The Wyoming Supreme Court adopted rules which allow an attorney to "limit the scope of representation", which means that an attorney may help you fill out these forms. Box 67 Rawlins, Wyoming 82301 County Treasurer; Clerk of District Court; Laramie County Sheriff's Office; County Departments Sub-menu. Primary Election sample ballots for Laramie County voters are now available online and in the County Clerk’s election office, located in the Laramie County Governmental Complex, 309 W 20th St. m. Fax: 307-721-2520. 21 GURULE DEANA BOOKING CLERK 58724. 9 miles Clerk of District Court. 1868 through June 1994. Jury service is nearly always an inconvenience and at times you may find it the most serious, most troublesome work you have ever done. Share & Connect. O. 20th Street Cheyenne, WY 82001. Notice of County Clerk Office Closures During General Election, Nov. Clerk of District Court; Laramie County Sheriff's Office; County Departments Sub-menu. If you are a parent, guardian or victim and are in need of information regarding a juvenile, you should contact the District Attorney's office at 310 West 19th Street, 2nd Floor, Cheyenne, WY 82001. The purpose of the proposed district is to provide for the maintenance, reconstruction, snow removal and clearance of the existing paved streets within the boundaries of the proposed district, to wit: Etta Place, Longabaugh Way and Robert Parker Trail. 00. Clerk of District Court, P. To request public records, please fill out the Public Information Request form and email to office@laramiecountywy. The Real Estate/ Recording Division of the County Clerk's Office records liens against real property (such as contractors or materialman liens (PDF, 292KB)), state and federal tax liens. albany. 3 miles away Don, a third-generation Laramie County resident, has dedicated his life to public safety. About Laramie County Clerk. Box 787, 309 W. Phone 307-633-4360 . Default; dismissal for lack of prosecution). The Laramie County Fire Warden is appointed by the Laramie County Commissioners and is under the Cheyenne/Laramie County Emergency Management Agency Grants Telephone 307-633-4201. Supreme Court. Laramie County Complex; 309 West 20th Clerk of District Court Office: Laramie County Governmental Complex: 309 W 20th St, Suite 3206: Cheyenne, WY 82001: 307-633-4279 : 307-633-4277 (Fax) Juror service will take place at the Laramie County Government Complex which is a secured building and requires everyone going to the third floor to be checked through the security desk. to 4:30 p. We prefer appointments; however, you may drop in at 310 W 20th St, Suite 1700, Cheyenne, WY 82001, Monday – Friday, 8:00 a. The responsibilities include maintaining records for all District Court cases dating back to 1890, processing court-ordered payments such as criminal fines, bonds, and restitution, and setting up and monitoring jury trials. Stacy Lam, Clerk of District Court Voice: 307. It handles civil cases with claims under $50,000, small claims cases, and misdemeanors. 20th Street, Room 3205 0. Phone: (307) 633-4270. gov; The Laramie County Building Maintenance Department coordinates the activities of our Building Maintenance Technician and Custodial staff. Coroner (R) Reid, Rebecca (PDF, 1MB) District Attorney. Helpful information about the probate division of the Laramie County District Court Clrk located in Laramie County, WY. They have been together since 2000 and recently celebrated their 18th wedding anniversary. , Suite #2300, Cheyenne, WY 82001 307-633-4588 fernando. to 3 p. Telephone 307-633-4388; Alternate Phone 307-633-4341; Email Jerry. , 1 p. Box 67 Rawlins, Wyoming 82301 Sep 20, 2024 · The Clerk’s office is offering three weekend satellite early voting options for Laramie County voters: Saturday, Oct. fxraawmnuptllngexhugyzxlaavieqrahtqizwjlukzrqimqxwvfasymotzqzpikooqzswuybcxrnvfpus
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