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How to print array in 8086

How to print array in 8086. Oct 29, 2021 · Problem – Write a program in 8086 microprocessor to sort numbers in ascending order in an array of n numbers, where size “n” is stored at memory address 2000 : 500 and the numbers are stored from memory address 2000 : 501. The actual string returned by the input command is preceded by two bytes that need to be skipped. Second pass fix the position for last two numbers. You do what strings do and have the last element as 0. Of course you could write this program without using an index variable at all. inc [index] cmp [index], 10. Apr 21, 2020 · - Introduction to Array in 8086 microprocessor. this code is incomplete and it is missing the vital part, what is index. I have succeeded in printing out every character inside the array, but when I start adding conditions and jumps, my program just gets into an infinite loop : (. Links: Dec 16, 2020 · I want to obtain the array length in assembly for emu8086. sub bl, cl ; Subtracting iteration count executed from length. I have spent about two weeks researching and tinkering with this Assembly language program in an effort to print the hex value of an integer entered by the user. xor ax,ax ; ax = 0. Note: Arrays on stack (as local variable) start address: ebp-400 element size: 1 byte array size: 400 elements OR start address: ebp-400 element size: 2 bytes array size: 200 elements OR start address: ebp-400 element size: 4 bytes array size: 100 elements Parameters return address init val of EBP 400 bytes EBP Oct 2, 2020 · @Dai: How is that helpful? A single byte can still represent up to 3-digit numbers (-128 to 127). MOV CX, BX ;CX is used as a loop counter. I have found nothing about directly printing a value from a memory location. Md Jamal. and <register with offset>,(BUFFER_SIZE-2) makes it point to next element in buffer. Nov 30, 2017 · So in this way msg variable will only have to store the offset because it knows it will find all the other character of string following the offset ( arrays are stored in contiguous memory ). We moved value in DX to AX 2. The procedure will look for n in the array and return in the ax register the address of the first element in the array whose value is equal to n. 2) Use stack -- you need to do split the operation to two loops, each N iterations. random. e offset 501. maxlen db 25. Mar 8, 2022 · thecodeman. For example, we can define a word variable 'months' in Dec 24, 2011 · When having a matrix M (rows) x N (cols), one turn of the desired algorithm prints out perimeter of the matrix. call println. May 2, 2020 · In this video, you will learn:-How to declare and initialize Array in 8086 Assembly language with examples?-How an array is stored in memory?-How to calculat Jul 25, 2013 · What he did: 1. So that's what you'll see. next loop: pop N times and write to *bx++. Also use SIZEOF, TYPE, and LENGTHOF operators to make the program flexible to different arrays. Here are some array definition examples: a DB 48h, 65h, 6Ch, 6Ch, 6Fh, 00h b DB 'Hello', 0 b is an exact copy of the a array, when compiler sees a string inside quotes it automatically converts it to set of bytes. Here´s the whole code: org 100h. Nov 9, 2017 at 14:05. As I run this program in emu8086, the value [SI] gets displayed in the AL register (MOV AL, [SI]). This fact allows an efficient iterative formulation. Outer loop to iterate rows (or columns), inner loop to iterate the elements in each row (column). lea dx, NL ; call print ; Print new line. Verify that it does and build upon it. array2len equ $ - offset array2. Apr 16, 2015 · In the previous code snippet you need to use BX in stead of BL. Jan 11, 2011 · Should read: mov edx,[ebp+rowsSumArray] add [edx+type dword*eax],ecx. numEnd: numSize = numEnd - num. MAIN PROC. Then you loop back to the start of the next row. ADD DX, 30h ;convert digit to char and store in DX. nextchar: call readchar ;function to read a char and store it in al. To store the array and the sum at DS: [2000h], you will have to setup the DS segment register first. All I have to do is to implement the PROC which has to sort them. Problem – Write a program in 8086 microprocessor to sort numbers in descending order in an array of n numbers, where size “n” is stored at memory address 2000 : 500 and the numbers are stored from memory address 2000 : 501. Two variables are passed into the subprogram, $a0 which is the base address of the array, and $a1, which is the number of elements to print. When you reach a result of 0, clean up the stack digit by digit, adding 48 to the digits to turn them into ASCII digits, then print them. until the count is greater than zero. For example, I need my output to be: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 instead Dec 27, 2016 · Edited: This is a more general form that is like printf function and support %d and %s(Although this code may be unsafe!):. read current position of head from [positions + headOffset] increment offset by 2. push edx. 8086 Assembly Programming : ArraysLive class Jan 7, 2016 · The first pointer begins at the start of the array and moves towards the end, and the second pointer begins at the end of the array and moves towards the start. msg db "The min number is: $". Given this starting code, the obvious Mar 1, 2016 · MOV AX, @DATA. This means converting each digit to ASCII (hint: '0' + n). Program. 255). VAL DB 'A'. 1. Feb 1, 2021 · In This Video We Learn How to Take an Input and Show the Output in Assembly Language Programming Step by Step With Example Assembly Language Programming Tut May 22, 2023 · Write a program in 8086 microprocessor to find out the sum of two arrays of 8-bit n numbers, where size “n” is stored at offset 500 and the numbers of first array are stored from offset 501 and the numbers of second array are stored from offset 601 and store the result numbers into first array i. stack 100h. answered Jan 11, 2011 at 12:33. With this code the index will start at 0 and then the loop will continu for as long as the index is smaller than 10. With length or sizeof I get an error: error-wrong parameter Can anyone help me with other ways to find the length of an array? Feb 22, 2019 · Problem – Write a 8086 assembly level program to generate the Fibonacci Sequence. mov si,OFFSET numberStr. 23K views 3 years ago This first program presented here shows how to access arrays by creating a PrintIntArray subprogram that prints the elements in an integer array. It inputs using function 0Ah. Mar 26, 2020 · Array in Assembly 8086 | Program to print an array using loop in assembly language | Array in 8086 - YouTube. That creates overflow of bites and change other elements in array. Aug 16, 2016 · Your program adds the 4 digits of a single 4-digit number. printPointsLoop: mov eax, [esi + Point. That is you should first load the pointer from the stack at a known offset from ebp, then add the offset for the required element. The minimum data needed to define an array consists of a variable which contains the address of the start of the array, the size of each element, and the space to store the elements. decrements the count. Next code should work. May 22, 2023 · First pass fix the position for last number. Nov 9, 2016 · Then to call this at your EndLoop you need to add into data segment numberStr DB 8 DUP (0) to have some memory buffer allocated for string and add into code: ; load sum as 16b unsigned value into ax. I have store result in AX register. May 5, 2021 · For a very simple solution add push bx before mov bx, ax and pop bx before add bl, 2. mov edx,[ebp+columnsSumArray] add [edx+type dword*ebx],ecx. 3 ). Example –. Let's make use of your algorithm above. Share Subscribe and Comment !!!! Nov 25, 2017 · The main point of this answer is the more compact code for printing a leading -, like I mentioned in comments on @Ahtisham's answer. y] ;indirect access to y value. Remember that in assembly programming the value that appears between the square brackets ( niz1[di] ) is an offset in memory and not an array subscript like in high level programming languages. You access items as in your current code, except to traverse columns you need to add the size of a row (e. We cleared DX. There are many video modes here two very important ones: mode | type | segment | resolution | align. To do anything with str1 "string" you need to know: 1) its address in memory, the x86 assembler has many ways how to get that, but two most straightforward are: mov <r16>,OFFSET str1 (r16 is any 16b register) lea <r16>,[str1] (does the same thing in this case) 2) its size OR structure. And because you need to address the array at its original place at the same time, you'll need to setup 2 segment Apr 7, 2010 · You can detect the end of a row because your pointer address will be >= array_end. You are lucky you even got 3000 items printed. If the counter is 11 (decimal) which is Bh then adding 30h gives 3Bh which is equivalent to ;. Nov 18, 2018 · mov dword[loopCount], ArrCount ;set ecx to num of array elements. push the remainder into the stack. Storing into a buffer is an easy way to print in most-significant-first printing order. To store 20 values change cmp bx,5 and jle transfer into cmp bx,20 and jl transfer. increase the count. Could someone tell me where I went wrong? Mar 31, 2017 · 1. But when the line 'MOV AL, [SI+1]' is executed, the AL register shows 4 instead of 2. I think I have successfully taken a three digit number as an input , and also the sum part using AAM seems to be correct but the output is an unwanted character. I think you want mov si, index / mov al, [array + si]. After displaying the user's value, it will display a message. Jun 15, 2017 · Write a procedure must be written that accepts three parameters on the stack: a word array address, the number of objects in the array, and a number (we will denote it here in n). - Example to print array values. mov matriz[si][bx],0 ; [si][bx] holds the value of the first cell. Jan 1, 2014 · 2. mov eax, [esi + Point. g. Each ASCII character is of one byte, and each byte of a String is stored at successive memory locations. data. if i write MOV DX,MSG it shows error(as dx is 8 bit register and the string is larger then it's capacity). CODE SEGMENT. Print the string by calling the interrupt with 9H in AH. num db 0,5,-1,4,2 ;my array. We have already discussed that the data definition directives to the assembler are used for allocating storage for variables. You are a beginner in assembly language, and that's fair enough. pop the stack. Here's my code: The second call to int 21h / ah=01h will overwrite the result Dec 21, 2022 · This video will give some basics on writing an assembly language programming for finding sum of elements of an array in 8086 lab hardware kit Jun 3, 2016 · It's not printing any 10d value, that would be "new line feed" in ASCII. e. poruka1 DB "Input array length: $". We divided AX by CX hence we get a remainder within 0-9 Dec which is stored in DX 5. We moved 10 dec to CX. ; esp points to the memory. LOOP1: MOV DX, [SI] ; Line 1. The project I want to do: Save the name of 20 students and sort and print. Jester. 69 5. Dec 23, 2017 · I can not create a 2d array and set it to print. Well, on second read it's unclear what you want. One element in array has 1 byte and I tried to write 4 bytes. Then, you can implement a "string" length function that loops over the array until it finds zero. It correctly prompts, but it doesn't display the result. This is the code where I attempted to do it. In your case, both loops go to 3. Form an array of those ending in $, then call Aug 3, 2015 · 8086 Assembly Program to Check if String is Palindrome or not; 8086 Assembly Program to Find Reverse of an Array; 8086 Assembly Program to Convert BCD Number into Binary Format; 8086 Assembly Program to Convert Binary Number into BCD Format; 8086 Assembly Program to Count Number of 0’s and 1’s from a Number; 8086 Assembly Program to Count Jun 10, 2018 · Your print procedure contains a label with the same name print. How to "move" it in some direction, let's say (-1, 0) (to the left): read headOffset value. – Jester. Nov 13, 2014 · 2. Knowing that emu8086 is kind of broken software, I coudn't tell that the call print instruction reaches the procedure or the label. Links: Dec 10, 2021 · Create a string. For example: untested. You always need an array index to be in a register, unless it's an assemble-time constant. Both the push-loop and the pop-loop end when they encounter the carriage return that terminates the string. To print an integer, you must print out each digit individually. To display a bigger number, you need to divide/mod each decimal digit out and add 30h to each decimal digit to make an ASCII digit. Aug 27, 2017 · lea si, a mov cx, n xor ax, ax start_sum: add al, [si] ;Element of a array add al, [si + 10] ;Element of b array inc si loop start_sum Finally since these arrays are adjacent in memory, the loop can be simpler still. B. If the array is known to have some special terminating value, then searching for that value is also a way to find the length of the array. Algorithm –. The initialized value could be specified in hexadecimal, decimal or binary form. call printDec. Aug 18, 2017 · That's about how to draw the snake defined in such array. Then use 'printn' where you need. strN DB " ". We will store the generated sequence in the data segment, from the offset value of 500. For example, an array based at address 0x10010044 and containing 5 32-bit integers is shown in Figure 9-2. . transfer: call delay. Load the effective address of the string in dx using LEA command. Thank you for your help. 7K subscribers. Feb 19, 2017 · Alas DOS lacks a function for printing integers so you will have to implement it yourself by printing individual characters. Dec 16, 2020 · If you didn't, $ would already be pointing much further down in the program. My problem is that I don't Aug 9, 2010 · I want to print a 2D array in 8086 Assembly and I am stuck in the last few steps of the assignment. This isn't what you've got! Either move those two characters to a buffer and terminate it with a '$', or print 'em one at a time Mar 29, 2022 · Answer here: As @xiver77 said in comments I was writing into array 4 bytes instead 1 byte. to print new line. Apr 24, 2013 · 1) Start from the end of the memory area dedicated to the target string and decrement a pointer (make sure the strings ends with an ascii zero). LEA SI, A ;set SI as offset address of A (of my array) MOV BX, 4 ;store the number of digits in BX register. it fails is not a useful description. Mar 27, 2016 · 1. See the 2nd part of main below. mov [row_star+bx],dl. Just my two cents. Since your going to pass the address of the data array to scanf, and that will be in rsi, just pass it in rsi; one less move. MOV DS, AX. Nov 13, 2017 · I have written a program to find max number from array of 15 numbers but my output is coming wrong. jmp main. This is shown in the code below. The next turn gets (M-2) x (N-2) matrix (which is stored in memory in a special way). DATA ENDS. Output is 0 because you are using the wrong format specifier. call random_coor_star. If I run the code without using PUSH DX and POP DX, it would just print "!" instead of the characters. It should be "%lf" Next, no need to push and pop in your procedure. This is how you point to an item in the matrix: mov bx,0. The code should prompt for a name, and then display it. When you want to use Int 21/AH=0Ah buffered input, the first buffer byte has to be initialized with its size, for instance name db 80, 0, 78 DUP('$') Also remove the instruction MOV Dl,Al which damages DX in ; Print Greeting. May 20, 2017 · mov [intArray+bx], bl ;Give the BX-th array element the value BL. org 100h mov cx,LINES_NUMBER xor ax,ax loop_main: inc ax mov offset WORD_ARG,ax pusha push offset STR_ARG push offset WORD_ARG mov si,offset TEXT_FORMAT mov di,offset OUT_BUFF call sprintf mov ah,0x09 mov dx,offset OUT_BUFF INT 21h popa loop loop_main ret end: ; sprintf Oct 24, 2019 · To address memory you need to setup a segment register and specify an offset (mostly using an address register like SI, DI, or BX ). repeat the steps until the value of the register is greater than 0. p1 db 'please enter name:$'. print the character using interrupt. Then it will display the user's value. Also the 9 to 0 are not printing 0-9 values, but 48-57 values. In C, there are two ways of keeping track of the length of an array: You store a variable telling you how long you made the array. . Put include'emu8086. You claim "but keep printing 8 bits" so that's why I thought you wanted 16 bits. This fact is important for the rest of the program since it effects the choice of instructions. mov al,[sum] ; ax = sum (16b zero extended) ; convert it to string. While talking about the 8086 microprocessors, the Strings can be defined as the collection of ASCII characters. 21. The CLD instruction is required to make lodsb and stosb go upwards in memory. Output: This is a sample string . Which are '0' to '9' digits in ASCII encoding. The variable could also be initialized with some specific value. What I have tried: Expand . So to switch between video and text modes you need to use VGA BIOS: mov ax,mode ; here select which mode you want. We will then show how to do the same with an array of words. Jan 27, 2017 · The following is my code in assembly language to compare two numbers and print a test character to confirm if it's written correctly. array1len equ $ - offset array1. 4. Below we show how to create an array of bytes and iterate through the array. Just double the number of iterations (One of the suggestions by Peter Cordes): Aug 20, 2015 · 1. Source Index (SI), Destination Index (DI) and the general-purpose register-CX (which functions as a counter) are A text string is an example of a byte array, each character is presented as an ASCII code value (0. – Mike Harris. If there are an odd number of items in the array, eventually start will be equal to end. Load data from offset 500 to First change the definition of the array and store the name in a tempory location: str2 db 4*10 dup(0) sname db "student1$" This will give room for storing 4 student names of 9 characters plus an extra terminating character (if wanted). May 22, 2023 · String Handling. Location: Bangladesh. lea dx, array. It prints a prompt. I'm using EMU8086 on a Windows 7 HP x64, Intel i3-2330m PC. Best make sure that delay preserves all registers. end. However, my problem is I couldn't display the user's value. That is correct. One possible solution is to save and restore those registers using the stack around the call printf: llp: mov al,[edx] push ecx. int 16 ; this calls EGA/VGA/VESA BIOS. print("[") for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) print("," + array[i]) print("]") The following is the subprogram in assembly, along with a test main program to show how to use it. Note you need to scale by item size (you forgot to do this in your code). And I have written a program to print the sum of a three digit number. The example in the linked post does exactly that. poruka2 DB "Input string: $". Adding two numbers to make a two digit number uses AAM to print a 2-digit number, and shows how to handle 3-digit numbers. x86. mov esi, PtArr ;point esi to 1st element of array. Decrease the count by 1. org 100h . ecx and edx are caller-saved registers, meaning they can be freely used in called functions such as the printf. Then you move this value to dx. But you also say you have a byte_array and "print the 2 bit hex ascii value". x] ;indirect access to x value. Jan 14, 2018 · 1. @MikeHarris Thank you so much! Worked perfectly! Aug 20, 2015 · 1. DATA SEGMENT. NUM1 DB 50. The SNAME+2 is when printing the buffer with int 21h / ah = 09h_ . ; print2DArray (array, m, n) push 6 ; no of columns push 4 ; no of rows push array ; address of array Dec 3, 2017 · How to Print String in Assembly Language 8086,In this video tutorial i have: - written and clearly explained the Assembly Language Program (ALP) in 8086 to di Apr 20, 2014 · Is there an easy way to find an array length in 8086 assembly language, or is this something that should be known ahead of time? Sep 2, 2015 · Use a loop with indirect or indexed addressing to reverse the elements of an integer array in place. I have the following program that would print from A to Z with a space in between them. May 16, 2013 · Yes (in the lower byte of the first element actually, since freq is an array of words). It's assembly; you have to do a lot more yourself. mov bl, length ; in our case length is 24H, 36d. I have to make a program in 8086 assembly to fill an array with a string, and then print out only the characters "a, A, e, E, i, I, o, O, u, U". Dec 31, 2022 · What you want to do is create a loop in which you divide the 16 bit value by 10, remember the rest on the stack, and then continue the loop with the integer division result. ;jumps to the end if Enter. The code will print the result in one go with the DOS. Jun 20, 2013 · For example if we have a variable with bytes 1,2,3,4 the user may consider that 1,2 are one row and 3,4 are another. May 2, 2021 · I am a beginner in Assembly Programming in 8086. Jan 21, 2021 · 1. My answer on Displaying Time in Assembly shows div and aam ways, printing 1 digit at a time. int 21h/9 expects a pointer to a $-terminated string in dx. add dx, bx ; add iteration count to start SCASB again at next char address. EDIT. Example explanation: 50 32 14 05 (sorted Mar 6, 2015 · DB arr '0123456789' and compare each number with the particular position and print that one. May 17, 2020 · This video elaborate the concept of taking user inputs in Array Assembly 8086 Programming. Repeated. assembly language code to print new line,how to print new line in emu8086. So then mov ax, WORD ptr [bx] is loading 16 bits, you want mov al, byte ptr [bx] instead. Jan 16, 2013 · When you attempt to print the result, you're okay through add ax, 3030h. cmp al,13. mov ah,[bx]; dec bx. array_square_print PROC. But when referring to the 8086 processor, it can either be a byte or a word. Jun 17, 2021 · divide the value by 10. data array1 db 0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF . Jul 10, 2015 · Implementing JUMP, PUSH, POP, IN & OUT in Assembly Program on 8086; Interrupting BIOS with 8086 Assembly Program; 8086 Assembly Program to Print ‘hello’ using 09H; 8086 Assembly Program to Search an Element in an Array; Performing Block Transfer using Assembly Language; 8086 Assembly Program to Check if String is Palindrome or not Jul 12, 2021 · Because your code to output the highlighted character uses mov dx,0000h, the BIOS function 13h places the character in the upperleft corner of the screen and the other, 'normal' characters will continue from there. Dec 13, 2017 · readhex: mov ebx,edi ; remember start of input buffer. I am trying to have the ASCII number that corresponds with 'a' increase by 1, so at the 97 line in the array freq +1. push eax. strM DB " ". ;; array pointer passed in ESI (clobbered) ;; column length = # of rows in ECX (clobbered) ;; total element count in EDX (clobbered) push ebx. N DW 0. It's been a really long time since I've coded in 8086 but I remember using this logic for a program which required me to print an ASCII value of a hex number. Feb 4, 2018 · Because each array element occupies 2 bytes in memory, the offsets where you'll find these elements are 0, 4, 8, 12, 16. Figure 9-2: Array implementation. Feb 7, 2018 · Video/Text modes. Finally, we added ASCII '0' (dec 48) to DX to get them into ASCII '0' to '9'. I wanted to create a simple program in Emu8086 Assembly Language that will prompt the user for a value. This means that the maximum result can ever be 9+9+9+9 which gives 36. add 48 to the top element to convert it into ASCII. ASSUME CS: CODE, DS: DATA. So i used an array which had 0123456789ABCDEF and it worked perfectly. This chart shows a part of Mar 6, 2015 · DB arr '0123456789' and compare each number with the particular position and print that one. do not copy the elements to any other array. first loop: push N times. Jul 30, 2019 · 8086 program to find Square Root of a number; How to find Min/Max numbers in a java array? 8086 program to sort an integer array in ascending order; 8086 program to sort an integer array in descending order; Program to find out the value of a given equation in Python; Java Program to generate random number array within a range and get min and Aug 20, 2017 · There is also a built in method for printing a new line. Now if each row holds 2 items, one should just do this to go to the second row: Apr 24, 2018 · You're using the address of array as an offset from index. model small. Jan 11, 2017 · Here's a simple code that copies data from 'TABLE' to 'TABLE1'. array1 db 65,66,67. So if you want to do 100 to 0, you either have to make some algorithm working with 1 to 3 ASCII character values (48-57), or do the actual counting in integer form . You'll find everything you need and more if you study example1 in How buffered input works. Instead mov [ebx], eax should be mov [ebx], al and mov eax, [ebx] for printing should be mov al [ebx]. Example explanation: Pass-1: F9 F2 39 05 F2 F9 39 05 F2 39 F9 05 F2 39 05 F9 (1 number got fix) Pass-2 Jan 19, 2021 · Reversing the string array via the stack and using string primitives lodsb and stosb. assembly. je . Assembly - Arrays. Then the turn looks like: The subprogram processes the array in a counter loop, and prints out each element followed by a ",". Jun 29, 2018 · 8086 program to sort an integer array in descending order. the address you were loading from is OFFSET array + OFFSET index. lea si,matrix. My suggestion is that say you start by implementing this function in a language which you are more comfortable, albeit using only a basic putchar function Apr 21, 2020 · - Introduction to Array in 8086 microprocessor. If you switched to ah=2, you'd need to replace the system call at the end with a loop, and nothing else would change. If this is in a function, not at the top level, then the function should use a stack frame ( push ebp / mov ebp, esp, function body , leave Nov 9, 2017 · Nov 9, 2017 at 14:00. call writechar ;function to print a char from al (echo input) ; check if input character is valid 0-9A-F. jb loopArray. The pseudo code for this subprogram follows. All you have to do is to ask BIOS where the cursor is at that moment using function 03h: Replace. PrintString function May 22, 2018 · Problem – Write a program in 8086 microprocessor to find out the largest among 8-bit n numbers, where size “n” is stored at memory address 2000 : 500 and the numbers are stored from memory address 2000 : 501 and store the result (largest number) into memory address 2000 : 600. In the following program I understood the rest of the code but didn't understand why the PUSH DX and POP DX instructions are used. call print ; print first element of array. Or if you had the character in al: If 80386 instructions are allowed you could replace xor bh,bh and mov bl,al with movzx bx,al. START: MOV AX, DATA. Oct 12, 2015 · 1. Again travel from starting memory location to (last-1, by help of count) and compare two numbers if first number is greater than second number then swap them. Mar 30, 2021 · 1. May 24, 2022 · But the program prints only the 1st characters of input strings and jumbled text. array2 db 'Any string is an array too!'. The string must be terminated by ‘$’ sign. If you don't need the allocation to last beyond the scope of the current function, just allocate on the stack: ; calculate allocation size in eax, for example. Jan 19, 2014 · Jan 20, 2014 at 19:56. code mov si, OFFSET array1 mov al, [si] inc si mov al Apr 8, 2017 · I have to type and array (only with numbers) and when a introduce it, it must be sorted in a second one. inc' in the top of the code. The values in 'TABLE' thus are shown in the AL register and should logically be same. If there are an even number of items in the array, eventually start will be higher than end. i. 3. answered Mar 30, 2021 at 21:48. 238. Subscribed. sub esp, eax. ;Print character stored in DX. The length of the sequence is stored in the data segment with the offset value of 0. mov dl, gen_row_star. If you look at how buffered input is done you'll see that DX contains the address of the buffer with int 21h / ah = 0ah_ . but it works when it is written as MOV DX found: ; array index from 0 to 35. NUM2 DB 45. nt ln km qu is ct aw mg in bp