Yashica 50mm f2 review. Sep 19, 2014 · REVIEW: http://www. Jan 13, 2021 · The lens mount is known as a Contax/Yashica mount, which means the mount can take some expensive Zeiss glass if you have the means. The focusing ring is textured, it turns 180 degrees and minimum focusing distance is 30 centimeters. Yashica Auto Yashinon-DX 1: 1,7 f = 50mm is a very good fifty dollars. 6 it is Zeiss sharp. Nov 21, 2022 · Canon 50mm f1:2 ad , under Item Specifics : series "L". My copy was made in 1939 which seems crazy to me. Yashica Auto-Yashinon 5. 4 (AEJ) Review – the King of 50mm lenses 2019. Yashica Auto Yashinon-DS 50mm f/1. 6 months in a very low quantity. Focus: Infinit to 0. Optics: 6 elements in 4 groups (Double Gauss) Aperture: f2 to f22 (but not on this one. To me the 50mm F1. Dec 29, 2019 · Yashica Auto Yashinon 1:2 f=5cm. Sep 14, 2012 · REVIEW: http://blog. 8 (S-Planar, Makro-Planar, Makro-Planar C are optically identical), or the Yashica 50/1. Hope to get an ML 50/2 and 50/1. All of the Yashica lenses stated here have an automatic diaphragm. Construction: Metal and glass. Feb 12, 2014 · Yashica ML 50mm 1:2Jul 20, 2016 at 4:21pm. 4 to f 16, with 1 stop markings and smooth transition, no stops (at least on my copy) Minimum Focus Distance: 60 cm, with markings in feet and meters. It has quicker, quieter and much closer focusing, making it preferred for spontaneous shots, movies and Aug 27, 2023 · ヤシコン以外のヤシカのレンズに興味を持ち始めた時、最初に出会ったのが「AUTO YASHINON-DX 50mm F1. In reply to Aoi Usagi • Mar 15, 2018. In another recent post I mention 2 websites where we can compare Zeiss and ML glass. Just got it, quick opinion is it reminds me of a Zeiss 50/1. Yashinon 135mm F2. This 28 / 2. I came across a Yashica FX-7 (basically a silver FX-3) for $13 in a local thrift store. Aug 3, 2021 · YASHICA 50mm f2 vintage lens review. 8 all of which I still have. Filter Thread: 58mm (!) Mar 19, 2022 · YASHICA ML 50mm f2というレンズ コンタックスという今はないメーカーのレンズです。 このレンズは1970年代の発売。半世紀近く前のレンズだと思うとすごいですね。 特徴 煙るような美しい靄。 ということで人間はどう映るかなというのを試してみたかったのです。 今回もモデルは99P 今回のモデル Mar 18, 2018 · The Yashica ML series was a favourite at the time and I'd already collected a few of their 50mm lenses, the 35mm f/2. YASHICA LENS ML 50mm 1:2: System: Contax/Yashica (1975) Optical design: Focal length: 50mm: Speed: F/2: Maximum format: 35mm full frame: Mount and Flange focal distance: Contax/Yashica [45. Weight: 304 grams, made with metal only with aluminum elements. Minimum focal distance is Sep 3, 2011 · Minolta MD 50mm F2 Yashica ML 50mm F2 Konica Hexanon AR 50mm F1. The camera can use both Yashica mount lenses, as well as world renowned Carl Zeiss T* lenses. This is part 2 demonstrating this vintage lens. The first two of these four types are made by Tomioka Optical. For example, the Zeiss 85mm f/2. 8 Performance. 7 and 135mm F2. I learned from previous lenses that Soap Bubble Bokeh is prone to occur when there is a light source. 7 (latest version) The idea was to compare the center sharpness/contrast/glow in an attempt to find the largest usable aperture for each lens in a low light condition. html- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -FACEBO Apr 25, 2019 · As with the other Yashinon-DX lenses you should collect them for their history and looks. It was, according to this website, manufactured by Tomioka. Apr 18, 2021 · Here are the basic specs, for the more technically-oriented: Type: 50mm Prime lens, Exacta mount. Specs: Lens: 50mm. Here I learned what Tomioka Optics is. 5cm F1. 6 and f8 and it is also fun at f2. A nice and well manufactured lens, that was made by Yashica after licensing the Contax brand from Zeiss back in 1973. Maybe it was on a T50, I need to investigate. Filter Thread: 55mm. 8° Lens construction: 6 elements in 4 groups: Diaphragm mechanism: Diaphragm type: Automatic: Aperture control: Aperture The list of lenses, that I have reviewed/want to review this time is: Yashica ML 50mm f2; Yashica ML 35mm f2. com/review - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - more Jun 11, 2010 · Yashica also made f/2, f/1. Unfortunately, even with my lens tools, I've been unable to shift the front assembly as yet. Period of use: 28 year. 5 (much less expensive than the f2 but still more expensive than most), the Super Multi Coated Takumar 28/3. 9 Review – Swirly Bokeh, comparable to Helios44 series 2019. Wide open have sharp center and farly mild corner softness which is next to gone by f/4. XR Rikenon. 1 XR Rikenon 50mm F2 (PENTAX K mount) 2 Auto Rikenon 55mm F1. 0 is fairly common on eBay. Feb 27, 2022 · Review: The Yashica FX-D. As an indie filmmaker, I decided to show you more real set life situati Sep 14, 2012 · Reviews. 0. SMC K 28/2 (Expensive) SMC K 28/3. Manufacturer: Yashica Company Ltd. Yashica FX-3 Super 2000 35mm SLRs. 48 pounds, so it feels dense. Found a Yashica FX-D SLR camera complete with a Yashica ML 50mm f2 lens. At standard FLs, the better choices are the 60/2. 5m (1. The lens is not radioactive and has Jul 24, 2017 · Fujifilm's XF 50mm f2 is a compelling alternative to the XF 56mm f1. Optics: 7 elements in 5 groups, coated. 8 Sonnar commands prices between $300 and $400. Jun 20, 2022 · いろんなレンズがどう撮れるかを紹介致します!今回はyashica auto yashinon-dx 50mm f2となります。ボディはcanon eos 70dを使用しております。なるべく Have tested a Yashica Yashinon-DX 50mm f/2 which has a M42 mount. Olympus E-P5, Yashica ML 28mm 1:2. I found it in a thrift store, attached to a Yashica camera and in a nice little bag that I use a lot. Filter Diameter: 52mm. Vintage: 1960s. I find this lens to be superb. 8; Yashica 50mm f2. The name of each lens is as follows. Ben talked about getting it repaired, but when I started selling the 7Artisans Oct 25, 2019 · XR Rikenon 50mm F2 is a lens released by Ricoh in 1977. 7, f/1. 4. 9To May 20, 2011 · The 3 lenses are. 8, and ML 35mm F2. 3. I see very little differences between the two brands. In short. 8, which is sharp maybe at F8 Nov 12, 2019 · [C/Y] CONTAX Carl Zeiss Planar 50mm F1. c Dec 9, 2018 · Kevner • Contributing Member • Posts: 990. 7, I found it to be tack sharp from f2 in the center. Cons: CA at F1. And a rare gem like the Zeiss 35mm shift lens popular with architectural photographers goes for about $1,500. - Aperture ring feels smooth, I like the "click click" sound . I decided to start slowly to publish some results, and will add other lenses as time allows me to. Weaknesses: None for the lens but you can't get hold of the Yashica 65mm slip-on lens hood - it was rare even when it was being manufactured. The lens is in great condition so I surrendered to temptation and bought it for $20. If f/2. Sharpness: 8 Aberrations: 9 Bokeh: 7 Handling: 10 Value: 7 Camera Used: Digital full frame. Apr 6, 2019 · AUTO YASHINON® DS-M TOMIOKA, which was produced within the years 1973 to 1974 for approx. Like the Chinon, it’s hard to fault. 8 lens review, aka Yashica ML 28mm 1:2. "YASHICA LENS - ML 50mm 1:1. Shooting with a wide-open aperture adds to the softness of the Jun 9, 2016 · Yashica ML 50mm f2 Lens. ) Minimum Focus: 0. html- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -FACEBOOK: Jul 28, 2017 · John Riley reviews this classic Yashica 50mm f/1. The lens barrel and mount are all metal - no plastic to be found anywhere. 4 in C/Y mount is the quintessential fast fifty, and it comes with all the wonders and pitfalls that this well-trod ground brings. Not sure if adapted users are familiar with this site, but if not it is worth a look. 2. 2 and Leica Summicron R 50 f2. Its strongest point is the colour rendition, tipically Zeiss despite the Yashica lineage. 0 야시카렌즈라 처음이기도했고, 궁금하기도 하던 차에. Here are some sample photos taken with the Domiplan 50mm F2. I surmise the f/1. Sep 6, 2017 · Yashica Auto Yashinon 5cm f/2 and website. Landing thread: M42. 9 is a lens for CONTAX / Yashica mount SLR. Specifications. - Metal case, built to last forever, quality of the lens seems good . 4 - MADE IN JAPAN" FL = 50mm Ap = f 1. My review has more and Jul 16, 2023 · Sharp from F4 to F8 and sharp to infinity. Below are some of the test shots taken with this lens. May 9, 2012 · Review of Yashica ML 50mm F2. The camera was in a well used condition but the lens is in almost new condition. 8; Yashica ML 75-150 Zoom f4; Olympus Auto-Macro 50mm f3. I sold my 3 corresponding Takumar lenses already so I can't directly compare them. Just joined the forum after finding a Yashica SLR in a thrift store complete with an ML 50mm f2 lens. Beyond this, if you are looking for a more complex and setting-laden film body then perhaps this isn’t for you. I attached a Domiplan 50mm F2. YASHICA JAPAN AUTO YASHINON-DS 50mm 1: 1. 4 Zeiss Planar. In most situations, the Yashica does appear a bit warmer, perhaps due to a yellowish tint to the coating. This is a compact telephoto lens that takes great portraits. 8 to f/2. In some quick testing of the 50mm 1. 04. Jul 19, 2011 · Well, the Yashica 50mm F2 arrived yesterday, and I've used it quite a bit since then - a huge thanks to all who recommended this, as it's stunning! I was never happy with my Minolta F1. 8 Handling and Features. 5cm f/1. 02 [C/Y] Yashica ML 50mm F1. 8 ) 8 blades, 52mm filter Min focus distance = just less than 0. 8 MM cheaply enough. 2. Posted by Bengt Köhler Sandberg 2012-09-14. F/2 have also some vignetting. 9, after the ML 28mm F2. Carl Zeiss has revived the “ CONTAX ” brand. 7 ML, which is almost as good as the 50/1. These lenses are extremely robust mechanically. 7 Planar Zeiss, but features an all-metal body, into comparsion to the Zeiss, as build quality. Here one of them is attached to a lovely, ancient Yashica Reflex 35. 4 – final conclusion. 1. 5m Modified to PK mount as per modification description of PF member "RioRico" Apr 4, 2017 · Let’s first talk about the meat-and-potatoes of all lenses – the image. Under most circumstances that call for a 50mm prime, it is all the lens anyone needs. 4: Mount: M42 Only. com/review_Yashica_Yashinon-DX_50mm_f2_M42. - It's working on my Canon camera with this adapter. Aug 27, 2011. In situations where depth of field is shallow, this lens is capable of beautiful separation and a smooth blurred-background effect. Remember the FR system was designed in the 70 and 80s. Aperture: f/2 to f/16. 9 (CONTAX/Yashica mount) 6 CONTAX Carl Zeiss Planar. Mar 7, 2020 · Although I mainly use 28 then 50mm lenses, I have been playing around with some 35mm cv's and I quite like the FoV - saves cropping from the 28. Sharpness centrally is good at f/1. At the same time I do not remember having ever seen a Canon 50mm f/2 lens. htmlFootage are taken with a Canon 500D + lens mount adapter. 5 (is not quite as sharp as the K, but still very good). Since I use C/Y Zeiss adapted and on CONTAX film bodies, the Yashica ML 35 seemed an obvious choice - unless I can get hold of a dist 35/2. Apr 16, 2019 · The lens has a minimum focusing distance of 0. - - - - - - - - - Jul 31, 2019 · This piccie features one of my all-time favourite standard lenses, the legendary Kuribayashi Orikkor 50mm f2 made by Petri. At f5. Very good performer one of the best 50mm M42 lens. 4 manual focus lens on the 50mp Canon EOS 5DS R. Dec 3, 2019 · Yashica Auto-Yashinon 5. An unexpected purchase and haven't had a chance to take it outside, but took this test shot. The Yashica is definitely sharper at f/3. 2015 06:51:58. Lens test/review of the Yashica ML 50mm f1. 8 attached to PENTAX K-7. First lens for my small review is not so well known Yashica AutoYashinon-DX 50mm f1. Summitar may seem like a weird lens if you haven't seen collapsible lenses before. The ML 50mm f/2 had a healthy fungus infestation and the leatherette was in typically bad shape, but the camera was fully functional. The first weakest point is the relatively vast amount of flare when shot in backlight (otherwise it would have scored a full 4 stars). 75ft) Mount: M42. The 139 was a completely new product, representing Contax’s attempt to slot a camera under its 1975 flagship, the RTS. Summitar is the oldest lens I have for 135 format. The Yashica ML 50mm 1:1. [/url] Petri Yashica rev [/p] May 3, 2021 · They are as follows: Yashica IC Lynx 14e Rangefinder 35mm Camera, introduced 1968. Sharpness is good wide open and it gets even better by stopping down a bit. The new SLR uses the CONTAX / Yashica mount developed by Carl Zeiss. I've tested the 50mm f/2 against the Olympus 40-150mm--both versions (m43 and 43) at 50mm. #4 i like best from your series, well done. Nov 26, 2018 · A n excellent lens by any standards, the Yashica ML 28mm 1:2. Jul 31, 2011 · FireBirder: Name: Yashica 50mm f/2 Mount: Zeiss C/Y Tested On: Canon EOS 350D Zoom/Prime: Prime Focal Length: 50mm Maximum Aperture: f/2 Minimum Aperture: f/16 May 7, 2016 · On the other hand the Pentax 50mm limited edition manual focus lens was one of the sharpest 50mm ever tested by Popular Photography, the other being the Konica 40, pancake. There is a less common version with a different design for the focus ring. The Yashica FX-3 Super 2000 is the ideal camera for students and others who like full manual control over their photography. Yashinon DS-M 50mm F1. 4 ML. And way cheaper than the very good 50/1. Rikenon P. The clock is my "major award" if you get the joke. 1ft. Sep 20, 2020 · Yashica ML 50mm f2 Lens Demo************I also sell much other films and related productsPlz Click Here For Our Live Updated Price On Google Sheets - https:/ Jul 29, 2017 · A 50MP image can take advantage of high-resolution lenses, so it is really pleasing to see that in fact, the Yashica performs to a very high standard. Mount: M42 Screw Mount. 7 and the Yashica ML 50 mm f / 1. The optical design is very similar to the Planar. Comments: Yashica ML 50mm f2 Lens Started Jun 9, 2016 | Discussions Forum Mar 1, 2017 · Yashica-DS 50mm f/1. 83) Yashica 50mm f1. Jun 7, 2021 · Yashica ML 50mm 1:1. with Domiplan 50mm F2. 4, very good at f/2 and f/2. 7 - better haptics, a bit bigger as the 50/2 "Pancake", and into optical terms way close 95% to the 50/1. Dec 26, 2018 · This lens always surprises me. 7, and was dubious about this, but it absolutely kicks the Minolta into the weeds - like you say, it kind of peaks; snaps into focus very easily. Jul 19, 2011 · The Yashica ML 50/2 is excellent. If you want performance the Fujinon and Takumars are better options. Apr 28, 2011 · Review: Yashica 28-85mm f/3,5-4,5 ML. The 50mm f/2 SMC Pentax-M brings good sharpness and renders strong detail. Weight: 304g. Mount – Contax/Yashica (C/Y) Such lenses are always pleasant to hold in hands – Japanese design is always something special and beautiful, even if the thing is not some kind of exclusive. Graham 27. bkspicture. The lens is very well built. The manual focus action is very smooth and nicely dampened. Made by Yashica. May 24, 2024 · Focusing the Eureka 50mm f/2 doesn’t rotate the front part of the lens as on some older designs meaning the aperture readout always faces up. 2 ML 50mm lenses, and they hog the search results. Focal Length: 50mm. It hasn't auto-manual switch so to use on DSLR bodies need to prepare the lens or use newest M42 adapter with auto push ring. XR Rikenon L. Oct 28, 2018 · The Contax 100mm F2 Planar hails from the golden age of manual focus lenses. Mar 14, 2018 · Re: Opinions of Yashica ML 50mm F1. 4 and can have some green CA, but the bokeh at 1. Have tested a Yashica Yashinon-DX 50mm f/2 which has a M42 mount. Summitar lenses were made between 1939 and 1955. Strengths: Sharpness edge-to-edge, smooth focusing, metal body and mount. Bokeh is smooth and bokeh fringing is low. Jun 20, 2014 · Chinon 50mm f/2. Jan 7, 2019 · L ast, in the series of image captures with a Yashica ML series lens I can safely mount on an el-cheapo lens adapter on the Pen E-P5. - It's very sharp at F/2, this was a big surprise for me, because I was using the Canon EF 50mm F1. Note that I was not interested in the bokeh and corners performance. 8 lens is part of the Yashica ML series, pro-line multicoated lenses developed and produced by Yashica (Kyocera) to bridge between their consumer-grade DSB line and the state-of-the-art Zeiss T* within the Contax/Yashica system. 5; Olympus 50mm f1. Seems encouraging. This is consistent with most Planars. Earlier lenses didn't have coated optics ( mine . 9, and for as low as 10 bucks on eBay nowadays - a bargain. Mar 10, 2018 · REVIEW: http://www. 5 meters (just under 20”) and has threads that will accept a 52mm filter. com/e/_d6I1rGrFor M4/3: https://s. 6 bladed aperure. Color shots are digital and are taken with a Canon 500D with lens mount adapter. 7, Yashica Lens ML 50mm f/1A, and the Yashica Lens ML 55mm f/1. 9. @Oldhand. May 19, 2021 · The ML series is a more expensive line than the DSB series, so the ML should out perform the DSB. Shadow detail is on par with the Planar 50mm 1. Covers: Standard 35mm film size (24×36 mm negative) Image quality. 9 (Auto Yashinon) I believe DS stands for single coating (and plastic case) while ML stands for multi coating. It has very good information concerning some old lens models. The feel of focusing the lens is nice and smooth too. Yashinon 28mm F2. com/review_Yashica_Yashinon-DS_50mm_f2_M42. 4 is also a bit smoother. 2 TOMIOKA (M42 mount) 4 Auto Yashinon 5. The FD 50mm F2. Tonal range and detail is superb. The 50/1. 8 and the 28mm f/2. 9 is a classic fifty kopeck piece of bygone times with an M42 thread. I was looking in my LCS for a tripod head when I noticed an FX3 Super in their Nov 30, 2019 · Yashica ML 50mm f / 1. 8 (M42 mount) 5 Yashica ML 50mm F1. Dec 15, 2016 · Auto Yashinon-DX 50 f2 - what a lens! It is slightly better in edge-to-edge definition but the DX 1. This lens has everything you can find on a standard fast fifty – Fairly weak sharpness in the corners and sides – even if the aperture is F2. click. Dec 2, 2019 · While reviewing the history of Tomioka Optical, we will introduce six standard lenses. Optically, it was spot on, but mechanically it looked and felt a little like it’d spent some time in a washing machine filled with bolts on a spin cycle. Photo sample by Domiplan 50mm F2. , Optics by Tomioka Optical Co Ltd. Quite uncommon very sharp,very well built precise Japanese lens. "야 Dec 9, 2018 · The Yashica FX-D is excellent for entry-level film users. DX stands for the high quality metal version that are more expensive and rare to find. 01 [Cine lens] PO3-3M 50mm F2 Review – Copy of Speed Panchro? In some quick testing of the 50mm 1. Sony A3000 with a Yashica ML 50mm f2 lens A video about the Yashica 50mm F2 ML standard lens, showing rendering and flare. In extreme lighting it will purple fringe at f1. The fact that it fires completely mechanically without the need for a battery, and the fact that it has a built in light meter makes it a great all-around package for someone looking for something cheap and reliable. Most obviously it's comfortably smaller and lighter than the XF 56mm and around half the price too. Interesting with a pleasant pattern. 7 is a very good lens; it has a reputation for flare problems however. Feb 11, 2021 · Yashica Lens ML 28mm 1:2. Jun 9, 2016. The user manual also lists the following lenses as standard: Yashica Lens ML 50mm f/1. It is one of my sharpest lenses between f5. 9 was a kit lens sold cheaply with some bodies, a kind of analogue to the Pentax Takumar 55mm f/2. The most important innovation about this lens is, the remarkable fact, that it is one of the worldwide first computer calculated lenses. Central sharpness starts off at a very good level from f/1. 34m/1. 8 are very impressive, sharper than Takumar but may not as saturated as Takumar. Aperture Ragen: f 1. 5mm] Diagonal angle of view: 46. The weight: about 250g. 4 ML isn't as sharp as the 50/1. He has several brothers such as the Yashica Yashinon DS-M 50 mm f / 1. It's a remarkable lens. evogt500 wrote: Dec 10, 2021 · This review is for Ernst Leitz / Leica Summitar 50mm f2 LTM lens. It's noticeable at 100% view, but is easily corrected. -have both-. The Contax 100mm Planar is a compact lens given its focal length and fast aperture, but it weighs 1. 7. There are also geometric distortions. Contax Yashica mount flange distance is 45,5mm and adapters are easy to find. For 1979-80, the Zeiss-Yashica partnership introduced three new advanced-amateur 35mm film cameras for its C/Y lens mount: the Contax 139 Quartz, the Contax 137 MD, and the Yashica FX-D. The article I found very interesting was about the Auto Yashinon 5cm f/2, of which I have owned for several years. 5, and is darn close wide open. Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi. Minimum Focus: 0. This lens is very similar to the (semi) Auto Takumar and the Tomioka Tominon. 8. 4 (M42 mount) 3 Auto Revuenon 55mm F1. Included are some pics of 100% center crops. Apr 1, 2012 · Now, I have some 20 pieces, including 2 more respected (more expensive at least) Canon FDn 50 f1. 4, f2, f2. Chromatic aberrations are very similar to the Planar in high contrast scenes. Great bite, loads of contrast and strong outlining in OOF areas. Yashica ML 28mm f2. There is also a noticeable coma, with a butterfly even at F2. Aug 25, 2011 · Tom. 4 - f/16. 7 I found it to be tack sharp from f2 in the center. I bought it on a whim and was just blown away how good it was. Coupled rangefinder: Yes. 2 for anyone who wants a short telephoto lens for portraits or details. Great low-light performance, with bokeh, sharpness, and versatility in spades, it also suffers from softness in Sep 19, 2014 · Have tested a Yashica Yashinon-DX 50mm f/2 which has a M42 mount. DESCRIPTION. 5oz. Jun 18, 2015 · Oddly, I had just opened up a ML 50 f2 that way quite by accident as I was using a filter remover but the filter wouldn't move, so the front end came away instead. As in the description this lens is very similar to the semi-auto Tak and Tomioka Tominon. The Yashica barely trails its P50 cousin in the corners, but has buttery bokeh from wide open, and has negligible distortion. The lens is shown on a digital SLR camera. It’s not Leica smooth, but it’s nice – there’s little to no mechanical roughness to the feel. 6m. BTW, number one has had a harder life than the others, and has a lot of wear and tear, but like the others it still functions flawlessly. 7 C/Y Zeiss Planar, which i do also own. The Zeiss Planar 50mm F/1. Backlighting does not cause noticeable color shifts. 4 to f 16 (no half stops; f1. One of the best “bang for the bucks” out there. 7」だった。 手に入れてすぐ近所へ試し撮りに行ってみるとゴーストが見事に出たことから興味はさらに広がっていきました。 「F1. The DS version should have a M42 mount. Just check it out on Google - it offers a truly dreamy bokeh and is wonderfully sharp. #19. Sep 6, 2017. 42) Fujinon 55m f1. blog. Dec 9, 2018. Jun 27, 2021 · The iris has 6 blades, the aperture is clicked and it goes from f2. I did tweak the image a little, white balance and rotation. 8 is quite common in the line of lenses made for Contax Nov 15, 2016 · Awesome review. 7 ML. Dec 10, 2017 · A few years ago a mate of mine bought a v3 50mm Leica Summicron that could be best described as a bit of a dog. 3) Tominon C 5cm f/2 --- 393516. Lens: 45mm Yashinon DX f1. 5/135. 9 M42 Lens Review. 9 and do some comparisons soon. In 1973, Yashica began manufacturing a new SLR in collaboration with Carl Zeiss. 8, is another scintillating example of what the Yashica ML series is all about. Yes, the T50 did also come with an f2 so I probably sold some of those. 7」には前期型と後期型があり初めて手に入れたのは前期型だった Nov 15, 2019 · The Cosina lens seems to have Olympus OM mount, Canon FD mount, Contax RTS / Yashica ML mount, Nikon F mount, Fujika AX mount, Minolta MD mount, M42 mount. The B&W pictures are analog and are taken with a Yashica TL Electro X, AGFA CINEREX (X-ray film) and developed in X-tol. Weight: 297g/10. Attaching the lens to the camera using M42-Canon EOS adapter without chip. The 50/2 is better than the 50/1. aliexpress. SONY A7m2 + Yashica ML 50mm F2. 8 is enough for you, then this would be a killer choice. Diffraction then starts to bite but results are still very good at f/11 and f/16. 7 (latest version) Yashica ML 50mm F1. The highly polished aluminium finish may look old fashioned, but looking beyond that we see a very well made lens. The old Yashica ML 50/2 is good, but i do prefer the 50/1. Four types of Rikenon 50mm F2 are manufactured depending on the production time. XR Rikenon S. Aperture Range: f/1. The high flash sync speed is a nice bonus too. May 31, 2015 · It is certainly very sharp and well built. 8 and excellent from f/4 through to f/8. It’s sharp as the devil, with great contrast and colour and buttery bokeh. After a new leather kit and a replacement ML 50mm ($38 total) this camera sold me on Yashica. That is also how you open the 50mm 1. The Yashica FX-3 is a spectacular camera considering it's budget/student model origins and a fun, simple camera to use. 4 and f/1. Black and white images are beautiful from this lens. It edges upwards to being excellent from f/4 to f/11 and is still very good at Apr 18, 2022 · The 50mm f/2 SMC Pentax-M lens is excellent. There are two types of SLR with CONTAX / Yashica mount: CONTAX brand and Yashica Sep 19, 2014 · Sep 19, 2014. It is ultimately functional and very affordable, with high-quality lenses available for a bargain. Its second weakness is that the Owner reviews: Yashica ML 24 mm f/ 2. I didn't find many information about this lens,so 2) Auto Yashinon 5cm f/2 --- 323852. 'Sold items' are about AUD$30, a very cheap item. Oct 5, 2020 · Looking for a cheap adapter for your Yashica lens? These are my affiliate links:For Sony FE/E: https://s. Aperture Range: 1. The whole deal cost me only $20 and the lens is pristine. The engraving and Jan 28, 2022 · The Yashica is a bit softer a f1. Handles flare well. 4-16, stepless with no detents. Sep 22, 2021 · Yashica Auto Yashidon-DX 50mm f 1. Severe vignetting at open aperture. 8 to f16. I stopped off at a local thrift store on the way home from work this afternoon. Pentax SMC Takumar 1:3. In my relatively inexperienced hands, the 24mm just didn't seem to compare well to any of the other Yashica ML lenses that I owned. 7 in some shots. 8 to the SLR PENTAX K-7 and photographed the neighborhood at night. Contrast is slightly lower than my Planar 50 1. I don't know how the Yashica 50mm would stand up to current 50mm lens like the MF Zeiss or Sigma 50 1. 12. Here's a photo of the camera and one of my first shots using the lens on my Sony A3000 camera. 7 In M42 mount. Dec 10, 2017 · In this video, I do a quick sharpness test between the following three prime lenses: 1) Carl Zeiss Planar 50mm f1. Once you start closing down, the differences become minimal. Probably the best 50mm I've bought in terms of quality of build and overall comfort of use and - most importantly - realistic image quality that looks natural. sytszdtyuviyejjhndno