Eq2 inquisitor punishment Achievement points are an important part of character progression, so don't be left wondering which APs you should choose. they directly heal damage that's done and do that effectively. Will drop in any chest randomly. 13. Even Templar can do more (Divine Punishment and Divine Light are very strong), though it would require more buttons. On Origins, Templars are Qeynos exclusive and Inquisitors are Freeport exclusive. Defiler Mystic Shaper. It's much easier to get WIS/INT gear than WIS/STR though. Name. its less than 30. If YOU want to help us add Scars of Destruction Quests to EQ2U, please visit your Active Quest Journal and find further instructions there! Aug 1, 2010 · Well, my inquisitor is an armorer but, I also have a sage. 0 seconds Oct 26, 2007 · Thanks to our Inquisitor friend Zenshi, we have updated our FAQs section on the EverQuest 2 Inquisitor Guide to answer more of your questions regarding this class! Find out about soloing, quests, gear, and achievements from a seasoned Inquisitor! "Don't think that because you're a healer you can't solo. The Punishment AA should be a reactive or ward based heal to be useful again, the same with Jan 11, 2017 · Class forums are intended for ALL play styles. Animalist. All credit for this guide goes to him. 0 seconds: Recast: 1 To be totally honest, inquisitor are very solo friendly. Fury is better for soloing healer-wise. They have to spend more time casting beneficial spells. · Removed class restrictions from Sacred Armor’s effects. )). On the plus side, my punishment spells Feb 8, 2025 · Enhance: Verdict Rank (*/1) Punishments: 5 points Requires Enhance: Vengeance (Rank 1): Adds an additional effect on Verdict that reduces the hit points of the target when they reach a certain health threshold. If YOU want to help us add Scars of Destruction Quests to EQ2U, please visit your Active Quest Journal and find further instructions there! Mar 14, 2007 · EQ2 Forum Archive @ EQ2Wire > EverQuest II > Class Discussion > Priest's Sanctum > Inquisitor: solo inquisitor Members List: Search: Notices Out of all the chars i have tried it seems that my inquisitor takes way more damage then anything else i have played, including scouts. Celestial: Jour. You must be Reduces the hate of all enemies near Inquisitor and stuns them for a short duration. This is the part in the Sunken City progressional series of quests. I don't play an inquis at high lvl, but my wife does. Currently Inquisitor is the least How to specialize the Inquisitor: There are two main path to follow as an Inquisitor. For that Coercer, in the "Coercer Tree" tab of the Alternate Advancements window, the first AA on the top row will be called Enhance: Medusa Gaze. This determines the strength of your attacks. Exp EQ2 Clerics, the Inquisitor and the Templar are not only amazing group healers, but with their ability to equip plate armor, they are also viable solo Put your points into the Punishments, Battle, and Detriments lines grabbing the Battle Cleric end ability. If you are an Inquisitor, you'll need to stop on by and read up on these nifty abilities. EQ2 Forums; Forums; Chat; Contact; EQ2U has been updated for Scars of Destruction, including Recipes, Achievements, Collections, and more. Right now Inquisitor has probably the worst dps among healers. Passive Spell Effects: On a critical spell attack this spell has an X% chance to cast Fanatical Devotion on the group. 0 seconds: Recast: 1 minute: Duration: 15. Heals all allies near the Inquisitor. The healing can be interrupted without EQ2U has been updated for Scars of Destruction, including Recipes, Achievements, Collections, and more. Transports and alley to their home village. Exp. Our EverQuest 2 Inquisitor Guide offers tips, tricks, complete spells list, achievement options, and much more! Clerics in general are the faithful followers of a given belief. They really are a well-rounded class, the only drawback is that they are not the best in anything, just decent, also known as Jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none. For tanks, inq is best almost always. As an EQ2 raid leader for many, many years, I value healers that are not so one dimensional Nov 19, 2024 · The latest Update Notes for EverQuest II. Fighters Mages Priests Scouts Threads 98 Jan 11, 2025 · Subclass alternate advancements don't change names while you level up. The artist (who was a woman) went with the breasts and small waistlines just so you could tell. You can get your offensive spells as Combat Arts (AA) and never have to worry about spending money on upgrading those (they scale with your level), get yourself a healing merc and play away . I am a very casual player and dont raid a whole lot but every now and then I do. 0 seconds: Level: 80: Mastery: Aug 10, 2006 · We have convert, which, from what i have seen in my 2 months or so as an inquisitor, is more useful than any of the templar healing utility spells, and combined with our faster recast timers, i think i can put out more raw healing now as an Inquisitor as opposed to when i was a templar (the fact the inquisitor masters are a quater of the price Inquisitor Guide ((This guide was created by Calberak of the EQ2 Inquisitor Forums. im only level 12 but i just want to make sure im doing things Jan 20, 2021 · Inquisitor has always been positioned as a mele dps group solo healer and buffer. Loremaster . Armorers are harder to come by, so that's something to consider. I have a few questions to you veterans on these classes. Do your research! We have added the EQ2 Inquisitor achievement abilities to our growing list of class AP guides. For example, a level 9 Coercer has a spell Medusa Gaze which he received at level 2. Feb 23, 2025 · Vaz'Gok the Cursed himself has a nasty AE stun that can stun an entire raid for up to 15 seconds. Fury Warden Shaman. A caster Inquisitor can be very powerful indeed, its just doesn't have a good relation with Enhance: Fanaticism which is Jul 26, 2024 · For that I have a lot of WIS buffing gear or even gear that buffs how much my heals put out for the group. The EQ2 Beastlord is not available until MUCH later than Origins era but might be on Varsoon. Go in with the mind set that you CAN win. Odyssey. Examine quest starter to receive the quest Defender of the Faith. Target: Self: Power: 121: 60 every 2. Feb 25, 2025 · Inquisitor Templar Druid. The following to note: As Current Proposed change: Make Heretical Strike, Repenting Strike, and Vengeance scale more appropriately at higher levels. Feb 5, 2025 · A critical attack will grant the inquisitor's group a chance to proc additional divine damage for a short duration. Ambassador Erazak sends you to see Overseer Tenito Viscus at 72, 0, -13 Copy in Scale Yard: Traitors' End (the entrance is in South Freeport at -65, -25, 286 Copy). Dead mob can't hurt you, therefore, DPS is better. Assassin Ranger Rogue EQ2: Linux & Mac Guide [Reloaded] Today at 7:48 PM; Sakiri; Class Discussions. Now, a band of concerned healers and followers of Quellious are closing in on the devious architect. · Templar Vs Inquisitor Templar Templar Vs Inquisitor - EQ2 Forum Archive @ EQ2Wire EQ2 Forum Archive @ EQ2Wire > EverQuest II > Class Discussion > Priest's Sanctum > Templar Jun 5, 2005 · Inquisitor damage spells list and dps tactics Inquisitor EQ2 Forum Archive @ EQ2Wire > EverQuest II > Class Discussion > Priest's Sanctum > Inquisitor: Inquisitor damage spells list and dps tactics Members List: Search: Notices View First Unread Thread Tools Mar 25, 2019 · Inquisitor is a much stronger "traditional" healer, i. Max Quality Replace EQ2 Forum thread on unlocking your Epic 3. Channeler Scouts. Group augmentation that heals an ally when they are attacked, and has a limited amount of heal before expiring. 0: 670: Aug 12, 2007 · Inquisitor, or are already knee deep in evil cleric goodness, this guide has a little bit of something for every level of play. ; Heroic Quests: Defender of the Faith; The Saga of Yasva V'Alear; Fabled Reward: Penitent's Absolution Epic Quests: Feb 24, 2025 · An augmentation placed on an ally that grants them a chance at draining power from the target with every successful spell or attack, and returning a portion of this power back to the inquisitor. I haven't tested it beyond T2 raid mobs, but on those it was healing for a maximum of 200,000 Quest starter Defaced Leaflet drops off named Yha-lei inside Chelsith and off of Yha-lei along the coast in Jarsath Wastes. Punishment adds a heal to your punishment spells. PLEASE make use of the Prefixes to specify if your thread is targeted towards Solo, Heroic, or Raid characters. It's similar-ish to the EQ beastlord but also very different 3 days ago · Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The closer your allies are to you, the greater the heals. Join the world's largest MMO gaming network. In full out healing you can also contribute a little DPS with some of your spells. 14. If YOU want to help us add Scars of Destruction Quests to EQ2U, please visit your Active Quest Journal and find further instructions there! Mar 27, 2013 · “I talking to someone and he said Templar was a far better healer and got all kinds of neat spells like group res and all that. Disclaimer: This guide is target for solo and group play form 1 to 80. Need to speak Goblish (for the 4th step of Defender of the Faith). Jul 29, 2007 · Hmmm. · Enhance: Fanaticism reduces the power cost of Fanaticism by 20% per rank. Sub-forums. Join Date: Apr 2005. With the sage, spell upgrades seem to come in handy more often, and they're very quick to level. Stamina - Increases your maximum health 3 days ago · EQ2U has been updated for Scars of Destruction, including Recipes, Achievements, Collections, and more. Nov 22, 2004 · Level 18 Ogre Cleric on way to Inquisitor. Inquisitor EQ2 Forum Archive @ EQ2Wire > EverQuest II > Class Discussion > Priest's Sanctum > Inquisitor: Best race for Inquisitor?? Members List: Search: Notices Page 2 of 2 The Inquisitor is wearing but also offensive weapons such as Hammer, rod, or Mace. Apr 26, 2024 · If I play there, I will go with Inquisitor, ofcourse. Show non-replaced Inquisitor Spells at Level Level. We both run in a melee/soloing build and we EQ2U has been updated for Scars of Destruction, including Recipes, Achievements, Collections, and more. · Inquisitor Armor Quest Inquisitor Inquisitor Armor Quest - EQ2 Forum Archive @ EQ2Wire EQ2 Forum Archive @ EQ2Wire > EverQuest II > Class Discussion > Priest's Sanctum > Inquisitor Everquest II Quest Information for Crime and Punishment. Holy healers granted powers by their Mar 21, 2013 · Series Summary. Posts: 9,707 I don't see you soloing these instances regardless. Defiler is a bit more of a straight up healer. 08-03-2012 02:03 PM by Ginnsu. Jun 30, 2007 · Inquisitor AP Guide. Attributes: your main attribute is wisdom. Target: Group Friend: Power: 62: Casting: 2. The buffs they get at max lvl are much stronger, and lead to much higher damage output, thus, they solo faster. Lasts for 10 seconds. The Inquisitor is able to mend wounds and purge ailments of all sorts, while striking opponents with divine power. If you want survivability then the mystics with wards are probably standing longer. Malevolent Diatribe. 0 weapon & spell. Wisdom (primary) - Increases your damage and maximum power. On any successful combat or spell attack this spell will cast Fanatical Devotion on Jul 3, 2012 · Depends on the encounter. Some of the things written here might change in the endgame / Nov 19, 2007 · Battle Cleric as you say, it's the 'safe' build at the moment. The inquisitor is useful sometimes for scouts, a bit slow for mages. The plate carrier can take on multiple roles. Ginnsu. Need to speak Sathirian (for the 1st step of The · Dont put too much emphasis on being in plate. · Enhance: Condemn will now grant an effect that In this Guide to Everquest 2, we introduce you to the Inquisitor and tell them what the offensive healer can do anything. 0 seconds: Casting: 3. If the other priests healed ok then they would be good too. No account? Sign up now! Oct 8, 2024 · EQ2U has been updated for Scars of Destruction, including Recipes, Achievements, Collections, and more. Please do An inquisitor is very convenient to play and has lots of tricks up his sleeve, a templar is just too slow to enjoy it for me after an inquisitor. This spell does not require any concentration, but can only be maintained on a single ally. 15 Implores the inquisitor's allies to join the inquisition, radiating a heal to all group members near the inquisitor. On other servers they can be in either city. You must be a level 80 Inquisitor. ; Starter: Examine a Defaced Leaflet, which is an orante chest drop from named Yha-lei inside Chelsith and off of Yha-lei along the coast in Jarsath Wastes. Feb 7, 2025 · Punishment (Expertise) Forced Submission (Sentinel's Fate) Strength in Combat (Sentinel's Fate) Fanatical Endurance (Sentinel's Fate) Combative Healing Inquisitor class Prestige II tree File:Spell 1127. As armor you can wear plate, which increases your defense greatly. · Maladroit will now reduce the target's Fervor. I pretty much understand the concept and roll of each class, but I'd like to know from Inquisitors and those Inquisitors who tried Furys, which class brings more to the table for soloing, grouping, raiding, and an overall blast to play in your personal · EQ2 Forum Archive @ EQ2Wire > EverQuest II > General EverQuest II Discussion > Tips, Tricks, and New Player Questions: Inquisitor or Templar - this is a tough one. To see the original post click here. Feb 23, 2025 · Category:The City of Freeport Inquisitor Trainer NPCs; Category:Timorous Deep Inquisitor Trainer NPCs; V Vulrask Xarthiz; W Wolcott Chillborn; Z Zulzek Mirt'rok; Categories Categories: NPC Types; Trainers; Add category; Cancel Save. My Inq is T4 atm and I picked Brell for god. this has been a big challenge but i am really happy about the differences in the class abilities of the game I am looking for some suggestions on a good ui to use in raiding, some direction to a forum/guide to making and Everquest II Quest Information for Back to the Inquisitor. If YOU want to help us add Scars of Destruction Quests to EQ2U, please visit your Active Quest Journal and find further instructions there! 6 days ago · Punishment (AA) Rank (*/1) Punishments: 1 point Requires 20 points in Punishments For each Punishment spell that triggers on an enemy, that enemy is forced to heal the nearest of the Inquisitor's allies. (Isn't that what your Warlock is for?) Inq has bad DPS. As for numbers (just keep in mind I'm not fully Yes. Alleviation. Inquisitor Spells are crafted by Sages. More DPS = Mob dead. Members List: Search: Notices View First Unread Thread Tools: 06-27-2009, 03:15 AM Jun 25, 2007 · IMO: Inquisitors are the more offensive side of clerics, if you dont got that exstra dirge for your raid scout/figther group an inquisitor will with or without a dirge buff the dmg output of the group (and they got Verdict, Thumbs up for that) While Templars are the more defensive (Sanctuary, Reverence and other neat heal-buffs) · EQ2 Forum Archive @ EQ2Wire > EverQuest II > Class Discussion > Priest's Sanctum: Inquisitor Members List: Search: Notices Page 1 of 51: 1: 2: 3: 11 > Last » Threads in Forum: Inquisitor Solo Inquisitor- Focus Effects and Inquisitor Training choices. Dangerous forces have been stirring, eliciting violence and stoking fierce rivalries across Norrath for months. 126: Heresy VIII. If you go Ogre, not only do you get Nov 20, 2024 · SCARS OF DESTRUCTION Dangerous forces have been stirring, eliciting violence and stoking fierce rivalries across Norrath for months. I have narrowed it down to 2 classes, Inquisitor and Warden. Convert Punishment into a standard heal. I can not keep my group alive any longer: reacitves are "broken", I have no reliable wards (for the 186829043 time, please remove threshold of Interrogation!!!), I have no damage reduction abilities. In the Sentinel's Fate row, pick up Strength in Combat, Fanatical Endurance, Mental 3 days ago · Quest starter Defaced Leaflet drops off named Yha-lei inside Chelsith and off of Yha-lei along the coast in Jarsath Wastes. It is given by Investigator Curfeld after you complete the Finding the Shrine quest. Keep aggro off and burn quick. As a templar in PvP you can laugh at tanks who will have great trouble killing you even 2:1 (till you are oop) but scouts and monks will kill you very quickly using their interrupts and dps. png. . Dirge Troubador Predator. But yes EQ2 could have more options, it just means their few art talents that are left would need to make them. _____ 12-01-2008, 01:07 PM #4: Yimway. All threads and posts originally from the EQ2 and Station forums operated by Sony Online Aug 5, 2024 · Templar and Inquisitor are similar to EQ Cleric. You can play a Full Caster, that completely relies on his spells or you can choose the path of the Battle Cleric, The Inquisitor fulfills a militant support role by providing restorative and protective benefits to their allies. Pre-requisites: Command of the Goblish and Sathirian languages. Anc. ; Talk to mob:accused citizen about challenging for release, Gorowyn style. She's next to the Overseer. I love the idea of melee heals. Beastlord Bard. If YOU want to help us add Scars of Destruction Quests to EQ2U, please visit your Active Quest Journal and find further instructions there! Feb 28, 2023 · Greetings! I've narrowed it down to two classes I'd like to make my new main since returning to EQ2, Fury or Inquisitor. He said he started out as an Inquisitor, tried really hard to like it, but then betrayed and became Templar and never looked back because it Dec 16, 2006 · If an Inquisitor is the only healer in a group, they don't have as much of the freedom a Templar has. SCARS OF DESTRUCTION. Enhance: Verdict (Inquisitor) P Punishment (AA) Categories Categories: Inquisitor AA Lines; Add category; Cancel Save. Threads 98 Messages 613. Inquis can still heal groups without issue, but they have some dps buffs for the group as well so if you get into raiding an inquis will either be with the offtank or the scout group. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Nov 22, 2016 · · Punishment now heals based on the targets max health. Even though he has crafting buffs, I went with him for the T3/T4 pvp with the nasty Divine/Crush AoE damage atk to add to their debuffed def against the divine. EQ1 and EQ2 are really one team now. The Inquisitor is able to mend wounds and purge ailments of all sorts, while striking · Punishment now heals based on the targets max health. e. They bring some very nice buffs, particularly for melee, and can do a little more DPS than a Defiler, and have some more utility. 126: Fanatic's Faith XI. If YOU want to help us add Scars of Destruction Quests to EQ2U, please visit your Active Quest Journal and find further instructions there! Apr 13, 2018 · Hey guys I am deciding to actually give EQ2 a try once and for all after all these years playing EQ1. GM. However, I don't know about your server, but on mine it is much easier to find a sage. The heal is raidwide, which is cool, but it is also currently insultingly small. Forget low WIS, that is easily made up. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise Punishment (AA) Rank (*/1) Punishments: 1 point Requires 20 points in Punishments For each Punishment spell that triggers on an enemy, that enemy is forced to heal the nearest of the In this post ill try to explain why no one plays Inquisitor in the hopes that someone at daybreak will see it and actively work on improving the class. Feb 13, 2025 · Implores the inquisitor's allies to join the inquisition, radiating a heal to all group members near the inquisitor. They have Charm, stifle, stun, fear, nuke, reactives, heals and they can take a beating . Click to expand like you say it's Both are very slow casting. I never have Power issues compared to any other race Cleric. For scouts and mages, the SK or Paladin is usually best. I went a dif way. (EQ2) Aditu -- Templar of Nektulos(Lavastorm)->Permafrost (EQ1) Aditu Sa`onserei -- Cleric of The Tribunal My parsing project: 12-06-2006, 01:49 AM #9: Maryk Aug 25, 2011 · The Inquisitor fulfills a militant support role by providing restorative and protective benefits to her allies. He also has a 360 degree AoE knockback, and attempts to heal himself every 25%. When he gets upgrades to the Medusa Gaze spell, Oct 1, 2024 · It was done because with the limited graphics in the original EQ1, it was hard to distinguish gender. If YOU want to help us add Scars of Destruction Quests to EQ2U, please visit your Active Quest Journal and find further instructions there! Dec 2, 2008 · And for the record, if you want to solo playing one of those classes the Inquisitor would be the better choice. 3 days ago · When consumed, this token will grant the usage of Golden Inquisitor, a capable Mercenary! This mercenary uses inquisitor abilities and can be hired somewhere within Moors of Ykesha. Not a great deal (unless you spec out the Punishment line in Sep 9, 2020 · If you are referring to lvling, all classes can solo just fine. Norrathians, journey to the remnants of Odus' coastline Feb 26, 2009 · EQ2 Forum Archive @ EQ2Wire > EverQuest II > General EverQuest II Discussion > General Gameplay Discussion: Best Duo Class Combo? Members List: Search: Notices View First Unread Thread Tools: 02-26-2009, 04:28 AM I frequently duo on my inquisitor with a friend who plays a warden. This quest is only available to Sarnak. · Enhance: Condemn will now grant an effect that reduces combat mitigation. EQ2U has been updated for Scars of Destruction, including Recipes, Achievements, Collections, and more. The same AA spec, Spell rotation, or Adornment strategy that works for a EQ2U has been updated for Scars of Destruction, including Recipes, Achievements, Collections, and more. Passive Spell Effects: Heals the nearest of the Inquisitor's allies whenever a Punishment spell triggers an effect Nov 30, 2004 · Phia, Dark Elf Coercer, Nagafen Zizz, Dark Elf Bruiser, Nagafen-formerly-Phia, Mage, Rift/Briarcliff Phia, Sorcerer, Aion/Nezekan Khrin, Archmage, WAR/Darklands This is a list of Inquisitor Spells that are still useful at level 1. Primary Stats. Categories Categories: May 14, 2013 · hi, i am a new lvl 33 inquisitor, have played a cleric in eq1 for several years and decided to accept the invitation of a friend to cross over to eq2. : Passive Spell Effects: Adds an additional effect on Verdict that affects the creature when they cross the health threshold. Let no mistake be made, Ogres are the way to go. More Fandoms Mar 12, 2023 · Battle Dressing (Combative Healing AA located in the Inquisitor AA tree) The reactive damage debuffs are meh for dps and the Punishment AA heals attached to them barely do anything as again, they are direct heals and anyone at 100% gets jack. fyua mcj qpvs wxe jjsnv jimtrt oqzqmnlc nhfgacj drce vmfxvg lugmq lqda ttjctp tppms nlodp