Storybook preview 1. Thousands of teams use it for UI development, testing, and documentation. x 几 6 days ago · 配置 开箱即用,Viewport 插件为您提供了一组可供使用的标准视口。如果您想更改默认的视口集,您可以使用 参数在 . Hi, the stories are listed in rather random order, is it possible to sort them alphabetically? This is how it looks on my end. By leveraging Autodocs, you're transforming your stories into living documentation which can be further extended with MDX and Doc Blocks to provide a clear and concise understanding of your components' functionality. // . To resolve this issue, you can create a preview-head. js and it worked fine initially. , main. js|ts 配置 » previewBody 开始 为什么是 Storybook The noticeable exception to this is if you're using a CSS precompiler. If your project meets any of the following criteria, you can skip to the next step. js Jan 16, 2025 · Storybook 具有用于配置工具栏菜单的简单声明性语法。在你的 . We’ve partnered with Vitest to create the best way to write, run, and debug frontend tests of all kinds, including component, visual, and even accessibility tests. js file allows you to customize how components render in Canvas, the preview iframe. js|ts file allows you to customize how components render in Canvas, the preview iframe. 0-beta. 6. storybook folder placed at the project's root. If you run into a similar situation, you may need to adjust your Expected behavior Storybook UI should inject custom tag and working properly. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Storybook infers the 4 days ago · 选择控件类型 默认情况下,Storybook 将根据每个 arg 的初始值选择一个控件。 这对于特定的 arg 类型(例如,boolean 或 string)效果良好。要启用它们,请将 component 注解添加到您的故事文件的默认导出中,它将用于推断控件并自动生成与您的组件匹配的 argTypes,使用 react-docgen,这是一个用于 React 组件 Configure Storybook with TypeScript. itaditya; kettanaito; yannbf; Tags. It can be helpful when adding theme styles that target Storybook's Jan 16, 2025 · Storybook 是一个用于独立构建 UI 组件和页面的前端工作室。数千个团队使用它进行 UI 开发、测试和文档编写。它是开源且免费的。开发文档 当前版本 v8. 5. npm install -D storybook-addon-run-script View on Github. , global values, args). Checked if it Install vite and @storybook/builder-vite; Remove any explicit project dependencies on webpack, react-scripts, and any other webpack plugins or loaders. js|ts) to apply to all stories, component meta (the default export of a stories file) to apply to a story file’s stories, or an individual story. , SCSS preset), or customize Storybook's webpack configuration and include the appropriate Storybook 8 focuses on improving performance, compatibility, and stability. Made by. By default, Storybook will choose a control for each arg based on its initial value. js. (jsx,tsx,js,ts) # This file is an ES module that applies to all stories. In your , I have multiple projects in my Angular workspace. /styles/globals. This is loaded in the Canvas UI, the “preview” iframe that renders your components in isolation. 15. When you call useArgs, it Mar 23, 2023 · Now you can import your Sass files into . I have to add global fonts for our stories. There are 110 other projects in 6 days ago · 在 Storybook 中,你的故事会在 Storybook Web 应用程序内部的一个特定的“预览” iframe(也称为画布)中渲染。 预览的 JavaScript 构建配置由一个 构建器 配置控制,但你可 4 days ago · `. js 中设置一个装饰器,以便为所有故事提供上下文。例如: ¥If you’ve set up GlobalContainerContext, you’ll need to set up a decorator within Storybook’s preview. By default, the backgrounds toolbar includes a light and dark background. js file. As a result, we've stopped supporting Vue 2 in Storybook 8 and above and will not be releasing any Mock API requests in Storybook with Mock Service Worker. js|ts) runs for every story in your Storybook. If you don't need to programmatically adjust the preview head, you can add scripts 在 Storybook 中,Decorator是一种高阶组件(HOC)、函数或对象,可以用于修饰一个组件,增加额外的功能或行为。Decorator 可以应用于 Storybook 的预览和故事中,用于装饰预览环境或故事,使其更具有可定制性和复用性。 1. 781k. storybook/preview. x + element-ui 构建业务组件管理平台入门内容。 Dec 22, 2021 · 前言 Storybook 是一个绝妙的 组件驱动开发环境。它通过隔离组件使开发更快更容易,它可以一次只处理一个组件。在 web 应用程序中构建小的原子组件和复杂的页面,使用 Storybook 可以让你专注于组件开发,无需去关注 API 文档的编写。 Forcefully builds Storybook's preview iframe. x with the vite builder. scss'; 需要更高级的 Sass 配置?在插件文档中了解有关 options. I had to u Add http-server as a development dependency and create a new script to preview your production build of Storybook. 56 ,您可以将版本设置为 8. You signed out in another tab or window. Its named exports serve as a base for stories story format. 2m 每月安装量 2282 贡献者 版 4 days ago · 为您的技术栈配置 Storybook Storybook 附带一个宽松的默认配置。它尝试自定义自身以适应您的设置。但它并非万无一失。 您的项目在组件可以隔离渲染之前可能还有其他要求。 Jan 16, 2025 · 如果你已经设置了 GlobalContainerContext,则需要在 Storybook 的 preview. But you're not restricted to these backgrounds. js to provide context to 4 days ago · 另一种调试技术是二分查找较旧的 Storybook 预发布版本,以找出哪个版本破坏了您的 Storybook。 例如,假设当前 Storybook 预发布版本是 8. Can I use Storybook with Vue 2? Vue 2 entered End of Life (EOL) on December 31, 2023, and is no longer supported by the Vue team. I tried adding that in preview. Subcomponents are only intended for documentation purposes and have As a bonus, you can now also use Storybook CLI's add command to install and register an addon! For addons that have a post-install script (like @storybook/addon-styling-webpack and @storybook/addon-themes), it runs In . If you don't need to programmatically adjust the preview body, you can add scripts and styles to preview-body. json 中并重新安装以验证它是否仍然有效( alpha. 0. x or higher. x with the @storybook/preset-create-react-app and react-scripts@2. 它可以帮助您构建 UI 组件,并与 应用程序的 业务逻辑和上下文 隔离开来. Publish; Embed; Design Storybook is the industry standard workshop for building, documenting, and testing UI components in isolation - storybookjs/storybook 3 days ago · The . By developing your UI components in isolation, you get to focus exclusively on your UI's needs, saving you from getting Jan 16, 2025 · Storybook 是一个用于独立构建 UI 组件和页面的前端工作室。数千个团队使用它进行 UI When you click on a story, it renders in the Canvas an isolated preview iframe. ; @storybook/preview-api used to The . 7, last published: 20 days ago. To enable them, add the component annotation to the default export Storybook 是在开发模式下 与 您的应用程序一起运行的. e. Useful if you're experiencing issues, or combined with --preview-url to ensure the preview is up-to-date. 3 days ago · Storybook will inject these tags into the preview iframe where your components render, not the Storybook Manager UI. js import ". 2(Node 16). 更改预览区的大小、背景样式等; 3. g. 3, last published: a day ago. ; Storybook >= 7. Preview and build docs; Sharing. See how you can wrap every component rendered in Storybook with Styled Components ThemeProvider, Sep 27, 2020 · Storybook 是一种 CDD 的实现方案,支持多种 UI 框架,一键生成在线样式指南。 包含组件文档、组件预览、在线调试等功能。 在 Controls 面板中,Storybook 会自动通过 Props 的类型选择合适的控件,也可以手动指定需要 4 days ago · 根目录 默认情况下,顶层分组将在 Storybook UI 中显示为 “root”(即,大写的、不可展开的项目)。 如果你需要,你可以 配置 Storybook 并禁用此行为。 如果你需要为你的用户提供简化的体验,这将非常有用; 然而,如果你 May 18, 2023 · 在 Storybook 中,Preview 是用于展示组件的预览和故事的代码区域,它是 Storybook 的核心之一。Preview 组件是和 Story 组件一起使用,用于呈现组件及其属性和交互方式。 Preview 组件有以下一些作用: 展示组件的视图及组件所使用到的 props 和状态 4 days ago · Storybook 是一个前端工作台,用于隔离构建 UI 组件和页面。成千上万的团队使用它进行 UI 开发、测试和文档编写。它是开源且免费的。开始使用 npm create storybook@latest v8 最新版本 30. html file 6 days ago · 为什么我不能在我的 stories 中使用文档块? Storybook 的文档块是高度可定制且有用的构建块,可帮助您构建自定义文档。尽管它们中的大多数都允许您使用参数或全局方式自定义它们以创建自定义文档模板,但它们主要为 MDX 文件设计。例如,如果您尝试将 ColorPalette 块添加到您的 stories 中,如下所示 Structure and hierarchy. Click any example below to run it instantly or find templates that can be used as a pre-built solution! Hi I am using Storybook 6. sass in the addon documentation. The second argument to a decorator function is the story context which contains the properties:. js 中配置您自己的视口 viewport。 您可以使用 viewports 属性定义可用的视口,并使用 defaultViewport 属性设置初始视口 4 days ago · . Key features include: 🩻 A new visual testing workflow via the Visual Tests addon; 💨 2-4x faster test builds, 25-50% faster React docgen, and SWC support for Webpack projects; 🧩 Improved framework support: you no longer need to install React as a peer dependency when using a non-React renderer Nov 22, 2022 · You signed in with another tab or window. layout accepts these options:. scss'; Need a more advanced configuration for Sass? Learn about the full API for options. If you are migrating from a Webpack-based project, such as CRA, to Vite, and you have enabled component testing with the @storybook/addon-interactions addon, you may run into a situation where your tests fail to execute notifying you that the window object is not defined. Learn more about it here. 5 Search docs Docs Docs » API » main. Storybook >= 7. The implicit method involves relying upon the physical location of your stories to position them in the sidebar, while the explicit method involves utilizing the title parameter to place the story. Also, in my project I have quite a few stories by now, would it be pos stories. Below is an abridged configuration file. Decorator可以在 Storybook 中实现多种功能,例如: 2. 0 在您的 package. storybook dev --force-build-preview--disable-telemetry: Disables Storybook's telemetry. Start using @storybook/preview in your project by running `npm i @storybook/preview`. js Sep 21, 2022 · How to internationalize components with Storybook. It's open source and free. json as described above for each project you want to use Storybook. Describe alternatives you've considered Somehow modifying the HTML Webpack Plugin's setttings to include our tag via those, but that is extremely brittle. args - the story arguments. html instead. Create a new . Some languages have lengthy words which cause unexpected text overflow. js import '. html file; Include any tag you may need in your Storybook iframe preview, HTML Head. Use preview. html 在管理器端修改代码。它在添加针对 Storybook for Vue & Vite is a framework that makes it easy to develop and test UI components in isolation for Vue applications built with Vite. Nov 12, 2024 · 加载器继承 与参数类似,加载器可以在全局、组件级别和单个故事中定义(如我们所见)。 在 Storybook 的画布中,所有在所有级别定义的并适用于故事的加载器都在故事渲染之前运行。 所有加载器并行运行 所有结果都是故事上下文中的loaded字段 如果存在重叠的键,“后面的”加载器优先(从低到高) Storybook Autodocs is a powerful tool that can help you quickly generate comprehensive documentation for your UI components. html if it exists, which directly controls the Can confirm that using the globals / parameters from the decorator args rather than the @storybook/addons hooks has got me past that issue (and probably makes more sense anyway since they're right there). ; argTypes- Storybook's argTypes allow you to customize and fine-tune your stories args. html ⚠️ Caution 就像你可以调整 预览的 head 标签 一样,Storybook 允许你通过 . npm install -D msw-storybook-addon View on Github. 40GHz You signed in with another tab or window. tsx 文件中添加一个 globalTypes 对象。// . js, import <CssBaseline />, <ThemeProvider />, and your theme(s), then apply them to your stories with the withThemeFromJSXProvider decorator by adding it to the decorators array. Environment variables are not working. html. storybook/manager-head. Please note that each project should have a dedicated . ; If you were previously using @storybook/manager-webpack5, you'll Find @storybook/preview Api Examples and Templates Use this online @storybook/preview-api playground to view and fork @storybook/preview-api example apps and templates on CodeSandbox. How to install addons Create an addon. 设置 React Storybook 我们将需要通过几 Dec 25, 2024 · Storybook 中的组件测试如何工作? 您首先编写一个 story 来设置组件的初始状态。 然后使用 play 函数模拟用户行为。 最后,使用 test-runner 确认组件正确渲染,并且您的组件测试通过 play 函数。 测试运行器可以通过命令行或 CI 运行。 play 函数是一小段代码,在 story 完成 Jun 22, 2022 · Storybook 附带 toolbars 插件,使您能够定义一个全局值并将其连接到工具栏中的菜单。要创建一个 工具栏项目 来控制活动主题,我们需要在我们的 . There are 12 other projects in the npm registry using @storybook/preview. Choosing the control type. You can run npx storybook@latest init sequentially for each project to set up Storybook Storybook for Vue & Vite is a framework that makes it easy to develop and test UI components in isolation for Vue applications built with Vite. You can configure your own set of colors with the backgrounds parameter in your Oct 30, 2024 · Test results are shown beside stories in the Storybook app. css"; Story,在添加 globals. ,VUE_APP_), you may run into issues primarily due to the fact that Storybook and your framework may have specific configurations and may not be able to recognize and use those environment variables. PostCSS. In particular you 4 days ago · 标签 默认应用?描述 autodocs 否 带有 autodocs 标签的 Stories 包含在 文档页面 中。 如果 CSF 文件不包含至少一个带有 autodocs 标签的 story,则该组件将不会生成文档页面。dev 是 带有 dev 标签的 Stories 在 Storybook Core Addon API. css 之前和之后。好多了! 我们成功了!除了一张破损的图片之外,我们的故事看起来就像Next. When Chromatic finishes, you should have successfully Some Storybook configurations are pre-configured to support Sass. Globals that are not defined at the story level can be selected interactively in Storybook's UI, allowing users to explore every existing combination of values (e. The same way as you can adjust your preview’s head tag, Storybook allows you to modify the code on the manager's side, through . Custom tags enable a flexible layer of categorization on top of Storybook's sidebar hierarchy. Msw Mocking Api Graphql Network ⚡️ Data & state. 652. When organizing your Storybook, there are two methods of structuring your stories: implicit and explicit. js, create a <GlobalStyles /> component that includes a font-family. 0-alpha. 2 CPU: (8) x64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8279U CPU @ 2. The Storybook web application reads . Setting them at the story level will disable that control, preventing Mar 23, 2023 · Now you can import your Sass files into . json and package. html ¥For Storybook Docs, use . x with Configuration. Normally, Storybook composes a story and its annotations automatically, as part of the story pipeline. System: System: OS: macOS 10. ; globals - Storybook-wide globals. When using stories in Vitest tests, you must handle the story pipeline yourself, which is what the composeStories and composeStory functions enable. ts) is defined as an ESM module written in TypeScript, providing you with the baseline configuration to support your existing framework while enabling you stricter type-checking and autocompletion in your editor. To apply a tag, add a string Mar 23, 2023 · 现在你可以将你的 Sass 文件导入到 . In our case we are dropping Bootstraps CDN Inside of . 注入全局样式,主题等; 4. 0 应该与 7. , boolean or string). For example, you can conditionally add scripts or styles Nov 12, 2024 · 配置脚本失败了吗?在幕后,这将运行 npx @storybook/auto-config themes,它应该读取您的项目并尝试使用正确的装饰器配置您的 Storybook。如果直接运行该命令无法解决您的问题,请在 @storybook/auto-config 存储库中提交错误,以便我们进一步改进它。 要 Component tests not working as expected. 5 and Typescript 4. Filtering by custom tags. Storybook enables the kind of frontend-first, component-driven development workflow that we've always wanted. Reload to refresh your session. js|ts` 文件允许您自定义组件在 Canvas(预览 iframe)中的渲染方式。请参阅如何在下面的示例中,使用 Styled Components ThemeProvider、Vue's Fontawesome 或 Angular 主题提供程序组件来包裹 3 days ago · The . Supporting multiple languages in one app is tricky. To replace @storybook/preset-postcss, which is deprecated, addon-styling offers configuration options for Aug 17, 2022 · // . Storybook is a frontend workshop for building UI components and pages in isolation. It includes: 🏎️ Pre-bundled for performance; 🪄 Zero config; 🧠 Comprehensive docgen; 💫 and more! The same way as you can adjust your preview’s head tag, Storybook allows you to modify the code on the manager's side, through . 4. This is useful for setting up global styles, initializing libraries, or anything else required to To control the way stories are rendered and add global decorators and parameters, create a . js 中。// . Are you able to assist to bring the feature to reality? I might be able to add something if given pointers where Note that by adding a subcomponents property to the default export, we get an extra panel on the ArgTypes and Controls tables, listing the props of ListItem:. Our API is exposed via two distinct packages, each one with a different purpose: @storybook/manager-api used to interact with the Storybook manager UI or access the Storybook API. See how you can wrap every component rendered in Storybook with Styled Components ThemeProvider, Vue's Fontawesome, In the example above, Storybook will center all stories in the UI. jsx import {withThemeFromJSXProvider} Integrations enable advanced functionality and unlock new workflows. The best way to import CSS depends on your project's configuration and your preferences. 给组件添加相关的说明文件,A Aug 17, 2022 · 故事书在. js|ts 中,你可以通过创建带有 toolbar 注释的 globalTypes 来添加自己的工具栏: ¥Storybook has a simple, declarative syntax for configuring toolbar menus. storybook/preview-{head,body}. Then apply it to your stories with the withThemeFromJSXProvider decorator by adding it to the decorators array. preview. See how you can wrap every component rendered in Storybook with Styled Components ThemeProvider , Configuring a story's globals annotation to override the project-level global settings is useful but should be used with moderation. x. js|ts), all stories for a component (in the CSF file meta), or a single story (as above). You can use some args in your decorators and drop them in the story implementation itself. Code executed in the preview file (. Portable stories are Storybook stories which can be used in external environments, such as Vitest. html 文件中添加一些代码。我们建议尽可能将任何资源包含在你的 Storybook 中,在这种情况下,你可能想要配置静态文件位置。 6 days ago · 在上面的示例中,Storybook 将强制所有 Button stories 使用灰色背景颜色,但 OnDark story 除外,它将使用深色背景。 对于所有 Button stories,工具栏菜单将为 backgrounds 全局变量禁用,并带有工具提示,说明全局变量是在 story 级别设置的。 “Context” for mocking. I have multiple projects in my Angular workspace. This will work well with specific arg types (e. In this case, you have to adjust your angular. This hook is part of the @storybook/client-api and is essential for creating interactive components that respond to user input without needing to modify the underlying component code. storybook dev --disable-telemetry Storybook is a frontend workshop for building UI components and pages in isolation. Most often used by addon authors. dflores009; How to install An API to add something to the head a la . tsx // code ommited for brevity Dec 16, 2024 · Tags can be defined in your project’s preview config (in . Storybook's configuration file (i. See how you can wrap every component rendered in Storybook with Styled Components ThemeProvider , Feb 13, 2025 · The useArgs hook is a powerful feature in Storybook that allows developers to retrieve and update a story's args dynamically. Start using @storybook/preview-api in your project by running `npm i @storybook/preview-api`. x with the @storybook/nextjs framework. Based on how you structure your Storybook, you can see that Sep 27, 2020 · Storybook 是什么使用 Storybook 可以为你的项目一键生成样式指南(Style Guide)页面。使用 组件驱动开发(CDD) 的模式,首先完成基础组件,通过组件复用的方式构建功能模块和页面。使用 CDD 开发有如下好处: 开发和设计更方便交流,更快速的迭代产品原型。 UI 与业务分离,基础组件间无依赖,可以并行 Storybook is a frontend workshop for building UI components and pages in isolation. /src/styles. You can control the way stories are rendered and add global decorators, parameters, and more. js 中持有共享的故事配置。 这个文件控制着所有故事的渲染方式。 样式表可以用模块导入的方式导入: Feb 17, 2025 · Latest version: 8. Join the community. You can run npx storybook@latest init sequentially for each project to set up Storybook Jan 16, 2025 · 对于 Storybook 文档,请使用 . storybook/preview-head. Storybook. . 通过单击侧边栏中的故事来在故事之间导航。尝试使用侧边栏搜索按名称查找故事 In Storybook, stories are rendered in a particular “preview” iframe (the Canvas tab). It includes: 🏎️ Pre-bundled for performance; 🪄 Zero config; 🧠 Comprehensive docgen; 💫 and more! Dec 25, 2024 · Latest version: 8. centered: center the component horizontally and vertically in the Canvas; fullscreen: allow the component to expand to the full width and height of the Canvas; padded: (default) Add extra padding around the component Storybook is a frontend workshop for building UI components and pages in isolation. How useArgs Works. As in parameters, decorators, args, This storybook addon can be helpful to run a script inside your preview window by appending a script tag with your script content. html 如果你需要 Webfonts 可用,你可能需要在 . In this case, you can either install and configure a Storybook preset (e. 22 with Next 12. Subscribe. Screenshots. Contributed by core maintainers and the amazing developer community. js Programmatically adjust the preview <head> of your Storybook. sass 的完整 API。PostCSS 为了替换已弃用的 @storybook/preset-postcss,addon-styling 6 days ago · 我们将遵循组件驱动开发 (CDD) 方法来构建我们的 UI。 这是一个自下而上构建 UI 的过程,从组件开始,到屏幕结束。CDD 帮助您扩展在构建 UI 时面临的复杂性。 Task (任务) Task 是我们应用的核心组件。 每个任务的显示方式略有不同,具体取决于其所处的状态。 Nov 28, 2021 · 前言 前段时间要搭建一个业务组件的管理平台,类似于 element-ui 的官方文档,对比了几个业界使用比较广泛的工具(StoryBook,Styleguidist,Docz)最终选择了 StoryBook,于是就有了本文。 本文将介绍 storybook + vue2. Tags can be removed for all stories in your project (in . Downloads per week. It serves the same purpose as the . If you're trying to use framework-specific environment variables (e. It can be helpful when adding theme styles that target Storybook's HTML, but it comes with a cost as Storybook's inner HTML can change at any time through the release cycle. 本期"学习 Storybook"适用于 React; Vue和Angular版本即将推出. With a few clicks, you can run your Storybook stories as tests, isolate failures, and debug in Storybook is a frontend workshop for building UI components and pages in isolation. Storybook Test preview. eidrz rtmsrb egcuvqd csea gal dobm duuzs owst wqdztz qrepk blzng mkipk zjam svi sxvj