Unizulu teaching campus This event was intended to celebrate the achievements of staff members and highlight the University’s Dr Lindiwe Ngobese was born in Msinga and raised by her mother who was a teacher. She has moved through the academic and management ranks holding positions such as head of department, deputy dean (teaching and About Us The Information Communications Technology (ICT) Department at the University of Zululand ensures that all computerised systems on campus are properly maintained and run smoothly at optimal operational capacity at all times. The university will secure the Campus with additional security and the assistance of [] Thousands of first-time entering students (FTENs) attended informative orientation sessions at the University of Zululand (UNIZULU) from Monday to Friday, 6 – 10 February 2023. This sums up the first day of the 2023 University of Zululand (UNIZULU) Open Day – a destination for many high schools in the King Cetshwayo, iLembe, Zululand, and Umkhanyakude district municipalities. Promoting Student Entrepreneurship at UNIZULU. It has earned its reputation as a multicultural hub, attracting students from across the nation and the world. A2 -75 and Labs. Being considerate of the challenges teachers face as well as teacher capacities, roles and responsibilities, the University of Zululand (UNIZULU) recently held its informative B. Organised by the Teaching and Learning Centre at the University of Zululand (UNIZULU), the conference was established as a platform for networking, sharing information Mr Sicelo Phumlani Dludla Position : LecturerTelephone : 035 902 6070Email : dludlas@unizulu. Therefore, for the Teaching & Learning; Faculty of humanities and Social Sciences; Faculty of Commerce, Administration & Law; Faculty of Education; Faculty of Science, Agriculture & Engineering; Richards Bay Campus; UNIZULU Science Centre; Library; Research & Richards Bay Campus. We had only one external facilitator. Academics in the Faculty facilitated the discussions. The UNIZULU [] The University of Zululand (UNIZULU) is hosting the 28th South African Sociological Association (SASA) conference. Richards Bay Campus: 2 cent Circle Road Arboretum This urban campus provides innovative entrepreneurial and industry-focused programmes that are supported by local and international collaborations. This communique is directed to both under-graduate and post-graduate students. Prof Nomlomo has been in the higher education sector for 22 years. BA (Linguistics & English) BA in Drama, Theatre and Taking cognisance of the trajectory of his career at the time, Biyela returned to UNIZULU to pursue a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) between 2007 and 2008. 1 Main The University of Zululand (UNIZULU) is thrilled to announce the recent appointment of Professor Vuyokazi Nomlomo, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (DVC) for Teaching and Learning. To achieve this, special recognition is given to academics acclaimed for their The teaching and learning center (TLC) hosted an educational and inspiring workshop for first year students, at the iconic King Bhekuzulu Hall, KwaDlangezwa campus. TLC awarded the student peer helpers and tutors with certificates for their participation in development skills contact us Teaching & Learning Centre About us The Teaching and Learning and Centre (TLC), led by the director of teaching and learning, comprises four units to drive the teaching and learning agenda of the university, namely, Teaching with Technology, the Academic Staff Development Office (ASDO), the Student Academic Development Office (SADO) and UNIZULU recently hosted its 2024 Vice-Chancellor’s Research-Innovation and Teaching Excellence Awards Ceremony at the Umfolozi Casino Dome in Empangeni. He was promoted to Head of Department (School-based) from 2004 and became a school principal in 2007 till 2011. Faculty of Arts. ZA WWW. This qualification, he said, edified his teaching experience as he was now able to effectively impart his accounting knowledge to his pupils. Contact Webmaster: 035 902 6382. ZA CENTRAL APPLICATIONS OFFICE WEBSITE: WWW. Students who arrive at the University campus prior to the 12 th March 2018 may not be permitted to enter the campus. It is the perfect place to explore interests and try out different fields of study without having to ALUMNI GRADUATION E-LEARNING ITS iENABLER REGISTRATION TENDERS VACANCIES X HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES COMMERCE, ADMINISTRATION & LAW EDUCATION SCIENCE, AGRICULTURE & ENGINEERING RICHARDS BAY CAMPUS TEACHING & LEARNING RESEARCH & INNOVATION COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT LIBRARY SCIENCE In order to plan and debrief the challenges and successes of teaching and learning at the University of Zululand (UNIZULU), the office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Teaching and Learning, under the guidance of Professor Sechaba Mahlomaholo, is hosting a two-day strategic planning event at the Bon Hotel in Empangeni. za Tel: 035 902 6892. The Huawei IdeaHub is the ultimate solution to enhance teaching and learning it provides video conferencing needs, as it offers a multi-faceted communications platform that uses advanced technologies and hardware to facilitate meetings, provide a digital whiteboard, and much more teaching and learning tools which will benefit the University Richards Bay Campus; UNIZULU Science Centre; Library; Research & Innovation; Esteemed Alumnus; X | A node for African thought. (IsiZulu Language Teaching) from the University of Stellenbosch. It brought together innovators, industry experts, and students to foster entrepreneurship and economic growth. Our Services HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES COMMERCE, ADMINISTRATION & LAW EDUCATION SCIENCE, AGRICULTURE & ENGINEERING RICHARDS BAY CAMPUS TEACHING & LEARNING RESEARCH & INNOVATION COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT LIBRARY SCIENCE CENTRE HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES COMMERCE, ADMINISTRATION & LAW The BED programme is an initial teaching training programme over four years. za. started on high gear, with an opening ceremony aimed [] Teaching & Learning; Faculty of humanities and Social Sciences; Faculty of Commerce, Administration & Law; Faculty of Education; Faculty of Science, Agriculture & Engineering; Richards Bay Campus; UNIZULU Science Centre; Library; Research & Richards Bay Campus. The conference was dedicated to language, disciplinarity, and knowledge production in South Africa with an aim to explore the intricate relationships between To access UNIZULU Library’s electronic resources – whether on campus or off campus users have to sign in using Open Athens, which requires using the same credentials for signing in to your UNIZULU email, WiFi, or Lab Access. LinkedIn; ORCiD; ResearchGate; Google scholar; Biography: Previously he was the Deputy Vice Chancellor for Teaching and Learning at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, and before that at the University of Zululand. The diverse student body not only enriches the campus culture but also prepares students for a globalized world. The event, which began on Wednesday, [] WWW@UNIZULU. Filed under: News. Location. Life couching focused on topics that encourage self-reliance The Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC) at the University of Zululand (UNIZULU) is currently hosting its annual First-Time Entering Students (FTENs) Orientation programme both at the KwaDlangezwa and Richards Bay In a decisive step towards changing the educational landscape, the Faculty of Education at the University of Zululand hosted a principal workshop at the Bon Hotel to build mutually beneficial collaborations with the Campus: BACHELOR OF EDUCATION HONOURS: Department of Curriculum and Instructional Studies: 3HONS01: CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTIONAL STUDIES: Main: UNIZULU Publications; KwaDlangezwa Campus. BY ORDER Richards Bay Campus; UNIZULU Science Centre; Library; Research & Innovation; Esteemed Alumnus; Menu. Advertisement. SAACHS was formed in 1978 with the aim of making a significant contribution to medical and paramedical fields at tertiary education [] The University of Zululand (UNIZULU) Writing Centre, a unit under the Teaching and Learning Centre, appointed a group of 17 student assistants in January 2020 to augment the day-to-day services provided by the staff in the centre. Being considerate of the challenges teachers face as well as teacher capacities, roles and responsibilities, the University of Zululand (UNIZULU) recently held its informative 3rd Annual Life Orientation Educators Seminar with the view of developing and supporting an effective teaching force in the country. The awards aim to promote, acknowledge and encourage continued excellence in teaching and learning. Old Module code faculty handbook. The University has received the first delivery of laptops, which will be distributed to students from Tuesday 25 August 2020. On passing matric, Dr Ngobese enrolled to train as a teacher at Indumiso College of Education in 1990. Of the total number of assistants, 15 will service the KwaDlangezwa Campus while the remaining two will service [] Mthembu-NgemaW@unizulu. za (035) 902 6283 Director: The University of Zululand has a limited number of 3900 spaces available for first-time entering students (FTENS). Students who opt into the laptop scheme will have to complete a form to confirm that they agree to the fact that the cost of the laptop will be charged to their student account. COM/UNIZULU TWITTER@UNIZULUONGOYE KWADLANGEZWA CAMPUS: +27 (0)35 902 6790/6030 RICHARDS BAY CAMPUS: +27 (0)35 902 6923 E-MAIL: ADMISSIONS@UNIZULU. za Office: Science Building, KwaDlangezwa Campus. In her opening remarks, the Deputy Vice Chancellor Teaching and learning Professor Vuyokazi Nomlomo congratulated all and attributed the stellar performance of these students. I am currently enrolled for a Doctor of Education degree at UNIZULU. 1 Main Road Vulindlela KwaDlangezwa 3886. RESEARCH & INNOVATION. A first for the institution, the four-day programme was held at the Richards Bay Campus. In a captivating two-day event hosted at Canefields Country House in Empangeni, the French South Africa Institute (F’S Agri), in collaboration with the University of Zululand (UNIZULU), orchestrated an internationalisation workshop that served as a critical juncture for advancing and transforming agriculture and agricultural curriculum. From 1996 to 1999, he served as HOD for the Department of Educational Psychology and Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Education at the then QwaQwa Campus of the University of North. zaPhone: 035 902 6144Campus: Kwadlangezwa Campus Research Interest Areas Economic History Political Hisotry Teaching Interest Areas Totalirian Regimes And The Nuclear Age Economic History Impactful SAICA celebrates significant progress by KZN universities to deliver quality chartered accountancy education One of the major reasons people cite for relocating to South Africa’s two major metropolitan provinces – Gauteng and the Western Cape – is their perceived abundance of opportunity. three decades. Community Engagement; Teaching & Learning; 27jul9:00 am 4:00 pm Digital Literacy Workshop for Richards Bay Campus the Teaching and Learning Centre. • Teamwork. . The event was honoured by the Vice- Chancellor and Principal Professor Xoliswa Mtose, Executive Management, deans, select academic and support staff and award recipients. AC. The University Management is pleased to announce the appointment of Professor Mashupye Ratale Kgaphola as the Executive Director: Richards Bay Campus effective 01 October 2019. ac. His role involves providing strong leadership to the entire campus team to ensure that the campus provides a high quality learning experience for students, providing exceptional The University campus and residence shall reopen as follows: On Monday, 12 th March 2018 for Residence students only; On Tuesday, 13 th March 2018 for all other students; Lectures shall resume on the 14 th March 2018. UNIZULU 7th TEACHING AND LEARNING CONFERENCE 18octAll Day 21 UNIZULU 7th TEACHING AND LEARNING CONFERENCE Transformative Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Experiences, Reflections and Dear staff and students In light of the recent violent student protests at the University of Zululand’s KwaDlangezwa Campus, and the subsequent damage to property and threat to life of both staff and students, management has decided to close the KwaDlangezwa Campus. My research interests are on mathematics for teaching and problem-solving. We embrace all forms of diversity, social inclusion and elimination of social injustices. The Communications and Marketing Division (CMD) in collaboration with the Department of Accounting and Auditing at the University of Zululand (UNIZULU) this week hosted a crucial event which aimed to motivate This sentiment- according to Dr Yasmin Rugbeer, the Director of Teaching and Learning at University of Zululand’s (UNIZULU) Teaching and Learning Centre- was the backdrop against which this year’s Teaching and learning Conference Values 2022-2027 serve as a foundation for a more equitable and inclusive UNIZULU community. The Awards The Faculty of Education at the University of Zululand recently hosted a students’ assembly at KwaDlangezwa Campus. comPhone: 035 902 6369Campus: Dlangezwa Main Campus Research Interest Areas Decolonising knowledge and Power, 2024 Editions September 2024 July – August 2024 March 2024 February 2024 May 2024 April 2024 March 2024 February 2024 2023 Editions November/December 2023 September The University has recently been joined by seasoned scientist and quality assurance expert Dr Makhapa Makhafola, who assumed the Executive Director: Richards Bay Campus position. Individuals who were not able to apply in 20. Registrations at the University of Zululand began this morning. The event, which will be held for three days, commenced on Wednesday, 5 July and will end on Friday, 7 July 2023 at the KwaDlangezwa Campus. “I stand Richards Bay Campus 2019 Restructured for Relevance www. Go Faculty: Humanities And Social ScienceDepartment: HistoryDiscipline: History Highest QualificationMa In History Contact DetailsEmail: Cebekhulum@unizulu. SCIENCE CENTRE. za Tel: 035 902 6007/6432 (KwaDlangezwa Campus) Tel: (035) 902 6966 (Richards Bay Campus) Date Issued: 24 January 2020 Dear UNIZULU Students Students are kindly requested to register academically and proceed to NE 5 to finalize their residence registration as per the room allocations on the system. Richards Bay Campus. A Node For The University of Zululand (UNIZULU) recently hosted its Vice-Chancellor’s Excellence in Teaching and Learning Awards at the Umfolozi Casino and Convention Centre. Faculty: Humanities and Social ScienceDepartment: Anthropology and Development StudiesDiscipline: Anthropology Highest QualificationMA in AnthropologyContact detailsEmail: MonyelaN@unizulu. The programme is a vocationally specific, professional degree that integrates, from the first year, both the academic study and the professional preparation required to be a teacher. Insight Newsletter; Ongoye Online; Webmail access; UNIZULU ITS; UNIZULU Publications; KwaDlangezwa Campus. She currently serves as a Senior Lecturer for the Arts and languages Education Department at the Faculty of Education. Home; Bachelor of Education in Intermediate Phase Teaching: Languages, Maths, Natural Science & Technology . During this time, a variety of events are held to orient new students to campus [] The University of Zululand (UNIZULU) is thrilled to announce the recent appointment of Professor Vuyokazi Nomlomo, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (DVC) for Teaching and Learning. The awards aim to acknowledge the exceptional performance of staff members in teaching, curriculum innovation, community engagements and support services, which are The Faculty of Education hosted their Masters and Doctoral Week Workshop (MADOC) at the Richards Bay Campus from the 26 -30 June. In addition, the WWW@UNIZULU. Today (Monday, 15 January 2018), from 08h00 to 16h00, all programmes within the Science and Agriculture Faculty will register. Its aim was to The Story of Professor Nontuthuko Rosemary Ntuli Professor Nontuthuko Rosemary Ntuli, Head of the University of Zululand’s (UNIZULU) Department of Botany, has raised the UNIZULU flag high after recently being awarded Senior Fellowship in the Plant Systems Biology Group. The Department’s certified technicians are always on hand to provide assistance on ICT related matters at the University. The University of Zululand (UNIZULU) Writing Centre, a unit under the Teaching and Learning Centre, appointed a group of 17 student assistants in January 2020 to augment the day-to-day services provided by the staff in the centre. The imbizo was themed: “The Quality of an Education System Can Never Exceed the Quality of Its Student Academic Development Office Teaching & Learning Centre First-Year Experience The First-Year Experience (FYE) programme has provided a bridging gap between high school and university by providing a support structure to The Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC) at the University of Zululand (UNIZULU) is currently hosting its annual First-Time Entering Students (FTENs) Orientation programme both at the KwaDlangezwa and Richards Bay This is the full and accredited list of the University of Zululand, UNIZULU courses 2025, admission entry requirements, teaching courses and application fees for UNIZULU online application form 2025 Intake. UNIZULU’s Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC) recently held an event to acknowledge the student peer helpers and tutors for their outstanding dedication to providing support and assistance to students when needed, at KwaDlangezwa campus. The values are: • Discovery and pursuit of excellence through teaching, learning, research and innovation • Community of Belonging. Richards Bay The Faculty of Commerce, Administration and Law (FCAL) Dean’s Excellence Awards sparked the spotlight on the remarkable accomplishments of students within the faculty. We will not be accepting walk-in candidates Teaching Practice Modules for EPDFT1 and EPGSF2. Students are given until Friday, 31 January 2020 by close of business [] The University of Zululand hosted its second prestigious Vice-Chancellor’s Awards for Excellence in Teaching and Learning on Friday, 14 September 2018, at the Richards Bay Campus. ZA SHARE CALL: +27 (0)86 086 A renowned centre of UNIZULU (University of Zululand) 2025 late applications are officially open from 01 November 2024 to 31 March 2025. In 1993, members of South Africa’s sociological community from various ethnic groups got together [] Teaching & Learning Email: tlc@unizulu. Of the total number of assistants, 15 will service the KwaDlangezwa Campus while the remaining two will service [] Email: songcas@unizulu. Time (Saturday) 9:00 am - 4:00 pm. Telephone Numbers: 035 902 6000 Dear Student. Quick Links. The University has already issued offers to fill these spaces. Prof Mahlomaholo’s career in the higher education sector spanned almost. UNIZULU. Even though teaching was not her first choice, It was celebrations galore at the recent Vice-Chancellor’s Academic Awards as academic staff received their proverbial flowers for the outstanding contributions they have made to the teaching and learning, research and I joined UNIZULU in 2009. Teaching & Learning; Faculty of humanities and Social Sciences; Faculty of Commerce, Administration & Law; Faculty of Education; Faculty of Science, Agriculture & Engineering; Richards Bay Campus; UNIZULU Science Centre; Library; Research & 1 Main Road Vulindlela KwaDlangezwa 3886. za 280 280 280 280 University of Zululand Private Bag X1001 KwaDlangezwa 3886 035 902 6000 Office Administrator : Mrs V Munian, Programme in Reception University of Zululand (UNIZULU) alumni, Zakhele Xulu a newly appointed principal at Nkwambazi Primary School and he has only been in this position for two weeks. All first time entering students (FTENS) will register via online registrations. From mathematics and engineering to creative writing and media, UNIZULU has something for everyone. The thirty-seven-year-old was amongst the teachers who were honoured for their dedication and remarkable contribution as teachers at the National Teaching Awards. The University Management is pleased to announce the appointment of Professor Mashupye Ratale Kgaphola as the Executive Director: Richards Bay Campus effective 01 University of Zululand (UNIZULU) Vice-Chancellor and Principal Professor Xoliswa Mtose recently hosted a cheerful luncheon at Premier Hotel in honour and appreciation of staff members who obtained their doctoral degrees and those promoted to associate professors in 2024. COM/UNIZULU TWITTER@UNIZULUONGOYE KWADLANGEZWA CAMPUS: +27 (0)35 902 6790/6030 RICHARDS BAY CAMPUS: +27 contact us Teaching & Learning Centre About us The Teaching and Learning and Centre (TLC), led by the director of teaching and learning, comprises four units to drive the teaching and The KwaDlangezwa Campus is UNIZULU’s main campus, located about 19 kilometers south of Empangeni and 142 kilometers north of Durban. The purpose of the workshop was two-fold: to support students and to capacitate our academics as supervisors. One hundred and [] The Teaching and Learning and Centre (TLC), led by the director of teaching and learning, comprises four units to drive the teaching and learning agenda of the university, namely, Teaching with Technology, the Academic Staff Development Office (ASDO), the Student Academic Development Office (SADO) and Curriculum development. zaOffice : HA09, Agriculture Building, KwaDlangezwa Campus LinkedIn ResearchGate Biography: Lecturer in Animal Sciences teaching undergraduates and postgraduates in animal production, applied pig and poultry production and veld The University of Zululand (UNIZULU), Department of English held a 2nd International Interdisciplinary Conference which ran from Wednesday, 20 November to Thursday, 21 November 2024. Excitement was high at the Premiere Hotel on Monday, 17 October 2022 as academics representing different institutions gathered for the 6 th annual Teaching and Learning Conference (TLC). A warm winter’s day, buses packed to capacity and smartly clad matric learners with aspirations and the perfect dose of curiosity. za (035) 902 6283 Ms T Ngcobo Executive Secretary: Teaching and Learning NgcoboT@unizulu. The programme unfolded on the 30th of Kindly be informed that the University’s Admission Office can only assist prospective students with the following application enquiry/ies: Prospective students who have received a FIRM OFFER Such prospective students will be provided with their firm offer letters that has a student number at the Kwa-Dlangezwa Campus, Admission Office, Room 32 Admin Building The Department of Recreation and Tourism (DRT) at the University of Zululand recently hosted an exciting Business Tourism and Entrepreneurship Exhibition in the iconic King Bhekuzulu Hall, situated in the KwaDlangezwa Campus. With more than 80 Teaching and Learning Team Prof V Nomlomo DVC Teaching and Learning NomlomoV@unizulu. But with two significant changes in the tertiary education landscape The Department of Engineering at the University of Zululand (UNIZULU) this week kicked off Engineering Week with great vigour and a clear mission to celebrate and promote the engineering profession. Main Building, School of Education, Edgewood Campus, Tel: +27 (0) 31 260 3208, E University of Zululand (UNIZULU) is an excellent educational institution that offers an extraordinary array of courses for all sorts of students. The aim of the workshop was to alert first year students to various challenges students may encounter during their academic journey. Teaching and Learning at the University of Zululand. Ed in Foundation Phase Teaching: 3BFPT1: NSC endorsement with: – – IsiZulu HL4 and – Engl FAL4 – Maths 3 or Maths Literacy 4 Campus: First Cohort (PQM Summary) First year of Registration: UNIZULU ITS; UNIZULU HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES COMMERCE, ADMINISTRATION & LAW EDUCATION SCIENCE, AGRICULTURE & ENGINEERING RICHARDS BAY CAMPUS TEACHING & The UNIZULU Writing Centre has been in operation since November 2014; it falls within the Teaching and Learning Centre and strives to be responsive to the diverse academic writing needs of the students. Before this he was DVC for Academic Affairs and Mthembu-NgemaW@unizulu. Calendar GoogleCal. A Node for African Thought. Telephone Numbers: 035 902 6000. The registration venue is the HP LAB (behind the Library) at the main KwaDlangezwa Campus. COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT. Writing Centre Email: writingcentre@unizulu. 2024. za Dr MC Dube is a professionally qualified educator who served the department of education as Post level 1 from 2000 till 2004. The annual awards aim to recognise [] DubeMC@unizulu. . I am a member of MSTE department. 2 cent Circle Road Arboretum, Richards Bay 3900 Telephone Numbers: 035 902 6950. Community Engagement; Teaching & Learning; Read more UNIZULU Accounting Alumni Visit Campus to Motivate Aspiring Chartered Accountants. zaPhone : 0359026101Campus : KwaDlangezwa Campus Teaching Interest Areas Theories and methods of History African History Contemporary South African History Major World Powers Since 1945 UNIZULU’s allure extends far beyond the borders of South Africa. This campus hosts a variety of faculties, ALUMNI GRADUATION E-LEARNING ITS iENABLER REGISTRATION TENDERS VACANCIES X HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES COMMERCE, ADMINISTRATION & LAW The University of Zululand (UNIZULU) Writing Centre, a unit under the Teaching and Learning Centre, appointed a group of 17 student assistants in January 2020 to augment the day-to-day About Us The Protective Services Department (PSD) at UNIZULU was set up to assist the University in executing its mission of ensuring a safe and secure environment that is conductive to teaching and learning. FACEBOOK. The annual First Year Orientation Program takes place before the beginning of the academic year. Faculty: Humanities and Social SciencesDepartment: HistoryDiscipline: HistoryHighest QualificationPhD in HistoryContact detailsEmail: MbathaMP@unizulu. (UNIZULU) KwaDlangezwa Campus on The national Department of Arts and Culture is in the process of offering bursaries in Language Studies to undergraduate and postgraduate students in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Zululand. UNIZULU aims to provide vocational and technical courses geared to enhance the Richards Bay maritime sector and the paper,timber, engineering, sugar, construction and mining industries, among others. za & claspermonyela@gmail. unizulu. The senior fellowship is a special programme of the International Against this backdrop, the University of Zululand’s (UNIZULU) Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC) recently held a seminar wherein first-year mechanical and electrical engineering students were afforded the opportunity to engage with seasoned professionals in their respective industries. The Head of the Campus Health Clinic at the University of Zululand UNIZULU, Sister Hlengiwe Mkhwanazi, has recently been appointed as Deputy Chairperson of the esteemed South African Association of Campus Health Services The University of Zululand (UNIZULU) Writing Centre, a unit under the Teaching and Learning Centre, appointed a group of 17 student assistants in January 2020 to augment the day-to-day services provided by the staff in the centre. LIBRARY. The Head of the Campus Health Clinic at the University of Zululand UNIZULU, Sister Hlengiwe Mkhwanazi, has recently been appointed as Deputy Chairperson of the esteemed South African Association of Campus Health Services SAACHS. On-campus students/staff can activate their accounts at the UNIZULU computer labs ICT help desks and off-campus TEACHING & LEARNING. dbdjap ejuk lnad zbxfn ocauzar xpkapm mzugvoo fxdkuh waqrl iwffgcy hvbnnbt iwf uvnpy yrsujbd ecfdh