Warframe initial combo mods My question is does slide crit get the x2 as well? I know the Initial Combo: The initial combo is normal : ' 24 initial combo'. 4 (2024-10-10) Fixed Galvanized Steel’s Critical Chance bonus on Heavy Attacks being +330% instead of the intended +220%. Initial Combo [edit | edit source] Initial Combo grants a minimum value of combo points when idle or after a combo reset. If several players in a squad carry copies of the Gain Combo on your regular weapon, but don't hit the 220/x12 cap yet. 3 initial combo, +81. 7 Top Builds Tier List Player Sync New Auras are a type of Mod that provides a passive beneficial effect to the entire squad rather than the Warframe it is equipped on exclusively. The thing also generates combo really fast. Now I barely proc red crits. 0x after 20 consecutive hits. Each mod is malleable and unique, inspired by and meant for a single weapon. The game is currently in open beta on PC, PlayStation 4|5, Xbox One/Series X|S, and After the rework/buff to slam attacks of melee weapons was announced i thought that Korumm's special block combo would finally have most mods work on it but it seems to first archetype, Light Attack (most Melee weapons): -Combo Efficiency, -Finisher Damage, -Slide second archetype , Heavy Attack /Initial Combo based/ (a few Melee weapons Hi A quick question about combo counter My understanding is that when you keep attacking enemy with melee weapon, there will be a combo counter displayed on the bottom Warframe Augment Mods are special category of mods. I'm moderately new to the game and haven't implemented Rivens in weapon builds before so this I saw the announcement regarding the upcoming quality of life changes, specifically the changes to Aura Forma becoming Omni Forma. The game is currently in open beta on PC, PlayStation 4|5, Xbox One/Series X|S, and Riven Initial Combo + Damage + Heat (Heavy Attack) - 5 Forma Stropha build by Syl - Updated for Warframe 37. -> Negative combo gain is irrelevant since you don't build combo and use heavy attacks exclusively. Heavy Attacks receive the full damage multiplier, while affected #Warframe See more Corrupt Charge is a mod that increases the initial Combo Counter of melee weapons while reducing the reset timer. It’s an The New Tech with Initial Combo Using the mods Ready Steel, Coaction Drift in our warframe, and Corrupted Charge in our exalted melee; we are able to generate gladiator stacks on Cephalon Samodeus' grand creations. Are there Rivens out there for melees that have gotten initial combo and heavy attack efficiency on them at the same time? I've rerolled some Melee Crescendo is a Melee Arcane Enhancement that has Finisher Kills generate Initial Melee Combo for the rest of the mission. In fact, the Hate was my first real Steel Path-viable weapon. - Heavy Attack: Relies on initial combo. When hitting with any part of the combo chain, it's all very low, 428 damage all around. 0 introduced the combo system, it seemed obvious that mods that interacted with it would be forthcoming shortly. 2:43 Suddenly, Gladiator set bouns is gone. Initial Combo Increase stacks shows as a buff, which lasts permanently throughout the mission but are lost on death. I then put on 3 gladiator mods and blood rush to give me a Innodem - Initial combo | Heavy Attack | Guarenteed slash procs - 4 Forma Innodem build by Zexiaz - Updated for Warframe 35. Awarded from Netracells. Rare With the new Incarnon Ceramic Dagger, you can have 120 initial combo purely from its evolutions. 0 I have a +32 initial combo +90% combo efficiency riven. There's a handful of mods which provide it. Hit Main article: Module:Mods/data This page is actively being worked on and may not be completely correct. Can be bought from Hok for 10,000 Standing 10,000 per arcane upon reaching the rank of Kin with the Ostrons. This buff stays on all weapons apparently if the weapon Increases Heavy Attack Efficiency while increasing Initial Combo on kill. If you don't understand the concept behind The problem i think with the initial combo is you have to get at least 10 combo (+30 from that one mod for 40 combo, ie 3x multi) after the dispo of glaive prime kicks in, not sure what that maths out to for what you need on the riven. The Bonus Damage Multiplier starts at 2. This can be circumvented by using a heavy attack, even if it doesn't hit anything - efficiency I just recently picked up Khora and I decked her out wit 6 forma build, and I got a high rolled riven for my stat stick (dual keres). 6% melee dmg, +25. 11 initial combo is pretty weak tbo. 8x Initial Combo) - 2 Forma Glaive Prime build by darb - Updated for Warframe 29. The multiplier is increased by 1. 8 (2025-02-06) Fixed Brief Respite not triggering for Clients in Höllvania missions if they have Inner Might active. And it got me thinking, wouldn't it be nice Initial combo mods/rivens set the base time to 20-40s. Hotfix 38. I noticed that whip lash benefits from the melee counter but I dont know how to ke On Primary Kill: +1 Initial Combo. This right here is my build right now and my Update 32. Corrupt charge The melee combo counter (this will be referred to as "CoCo" from now on) has two issues which really rub me the wrong way: Issue #1 - If you get some heavy melee efficiency Hi! I would like to know which of these two War Riven Mod is better and how much would be worth each: +171. No need to build combo Melee Combo is a power source that grows as the Tenno strikes or blocks with melee weapons, multiplying the damage of certain attacks. It seems The mod included in all melee builds, of any major type: Range - Primed Reach The heavy spam build is based on Initial Combo so that you can have a Combo Multiplier (the Hello everyone, first time making one of these. All drop rates data is obtained from DE's official drop tables Reddit community and fansite for the free-to-play third-person co-op action shooter, Warframe. Alternatively you can run [ Ready Steel ] in the Aura, All those together gives me 190 combo or x11. As a direct result, this mod also increases throwing distance. If you have enough Initial combo to activate the mods, you can skip this step. But when I equip [Blood Rush],[Weeping Wounds] and [Gladiator] set , these increases are abnormal. 0. A tennokai mod that When Throwing Any glaive with multiple +Initial combo count mods (such as Corrupt Charge + Riven), the initial combo counter does not fully reset after detonating on Incarnon evolution, and transformation bonuses is just a straight up enormous chunk of not just damage, but other important stats like crit, crit damage, status chance, initial Galvanized Reflex is the Galvanized variant of Reflex Coil, increasing Heavy Attack Efficiency while increasing Initial Combo on kill. 0x. 2 (2022-02-10) Fixed the rounding of the Growing Power Mod Can we please get one or two new melee range mods? Specifically, ones that are split or corrupted. Why struggle to do combos, if the The Pennant is an amazing weapon, but its also kind of an odd one because the weapon itself is based around the heavy attack. Please assist in making this page accurate. - Combo: Utilizes Blood Rush and/or Hey all, so im not someone who enjoys just running melee on enemies during a mathc, I like switching between my weapons and powers. The issue was that it was incorrectly adding the 2] Blank mods are limited to 3 effects - such as Critical Damage + Initial Combo + Attack Speed 3] The Percentage of the skills on the mod are generated Randomly, so if I put Secondary Outburst does not work with swapping to Dex Pixia in Titania Razorwing, or on casting Razorwing to equip Dex Pixia. Subcategories This category has the following 5 subcategories, out of 5 total. Now, with the ceramic dagger, you can get to + 220 initial combo + 100 (Ceramic dagger incarnon perk) Corrupt Charge is a Corrupted Mod that increases the initial Combo Counter of melee weapons while reducing the reset timer. 0 Top Builds Tier List Player Sync New Build en Navigation Combo Fury is a mod for Glaives that increases the reload speed and magazine capacity of secondary weapons for 12 seconds upon melee kills. One mod that finds its way onto almost all of these As I play around a bit with incarnon ceramic, which can get a staggering 120 initcombo without mods, I come face to face with a problem I already had in an even more Condition Overload {"Transmutable":true,"Type":"Melee","Description":"+80% Melee Damage per Status Type affecting the This page is actively being worked on and may not be completely correct. With the Any adding initial combo effects from mods (including riven mods) will only work when you are the host. The game is currently in open beta on PC, PlayStation 4|5, Xbox One/Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and iOS! Is it possible to Glaive 500 000 000 dmg a throw build (god riven 5. The player loses all accumulated initial combo on death. 0 Top Builds Tier List Player Sync New Build Reddit community and fansite for the free-to-play third-person co-op action shooter, Warframe. As a result, when dealing damage, we can get the If i have a glaive riven that has initial combo, do I replace corrupt charge or keep it for higher combo? Jump to content News Creators Store Prime Access Warframe 1999: Share 2:30 Activating Serene Storm, x4 Gladiator set bonus still exists and I can proc red crit as I want. The meter only goes down 10% per heavy attack and never goes down below 2x. Certain weapons also innately provide initial combo: the I will often use melee builds focused around heavy attacks. The true values are as follows: This mod can be bought from the Arbitrations vendor in the Arbiters of Hexis room in Relays for Initial combo still lets you consume combo with heavy attacks, and it'll refill back to the 'initial' amount after doing so. So are combo mods at all Are smite mods good? I have been looking for a clear answer to this question, but haven't found any (people have mixed feelings about it). Simply put your combo will Arcane Enhancements are special items that can be installed on equipment, after fulfilling certain milestones within the game, to grant the equipment buffs that can be activated by achieving Arbitration Honors  20 for x1 Making the combo start at what is meant to both shouldn't be hard to implement at all, and could be, giving how the combo system and combo mods work in general. Thank you in advance! I made a post about a day back asking about using Lesion with Saryn, and I got some recommendations for melee Combo Counter mods like Drifting Contact. They have slightly lower base stats and higher maximum drain than their original counterparts, but provide additional Auras are a type of Mod that provides a passive beneficial effect to the entire squad rather than the Warframe it is equipped on exclusively. When installed, Warframe Augments alter a Warframe's abilities or passives to perform additional effects, enhancing or There's no reason my Magistar with one empty mod slot should do 19 million damage with the radial attack, at 8x initial combo. we have a Melee Guidance mod that, when maxed out, gives -1 to the duration of the combo counter (effectively disables it) reception Rauta uniquely increases the equipped Increases initial Melee Combo Counter and Reduces Melee Combo Counter duration Rare Corrupted Counterweight Converts a percentage of the weapon's damage into Impact To summarize, with mods, you can set a starting combo counter, but it's not the minimum combo counter for weapons . Certain mods can increase your starting combo counter,combo count per hit and combo duration Condition overload let’s your melee weapon deal more damage per status type on the enemy I had a riven and corrupt charge to get me to a 4x initial combo. Ceramic dagger gun and blade also I recently got a riven for my pennant with initial combo, crit damage, and slide crit with some harmless negative. Auger Strike Whipclaw augment : Whipclaw's damage jumps to enemies within x range on killing blow Ensnare augment : Ensnare no longer pulls in enemies, but instead jump and Combo is important to heavy attacks, specific mods that scale with combo (blood rush, gladiator mods and weeping wounds) and certain Warframe abilities such as shattered lash Naramon . C I've been experimenting with different Nikana builds and, as a result, I've made a configuration which is universal and, therefore, suited for any situation. See For anyone who hasn't seen yet, warfare just released an aura mod "Ready Steel" that gives the squad + 24 initial combo. 3 (2023-02-15) Fixed the Growing Power Aura Mod not applying in Archwing Missions. 8% crit dmg, x0. If you use it to melee enemies while the disc is out you will regularly rack up Hotfix 37. It would save us from equipping naramon or dexterity None of that). I put on Sacrificial Steel to get my CC up to 165% on heavy attacks. Rare Galvanized Galvanized Steel: Increases Critical Chance while increasing Critical Damage on kill. Update 32. Gladiator mods give (5*set count)% extra crit in general per combo multiplier, allowing for up to +660% crit at full combo and full set. At this point, the initial combo does not fully restore itself before the next swing, Covert Lethality {"Transmutable":true,"Type":"Melee","Description":"+16 Initial Combo\r\n+100% Finisher You could easily test it if you used a weapon with initial combo / other initial combo mods with massive aspeed boost. png Initial combo count builds at 40 hits a second, so once you do a Heavy Melee with no efficiency, you go to 0, and it takes 5. Now, I'm sure Mods, short for Modifications[1][2] or Modules, are the upgrade system in WARFRAME in the form of special cards that can be equipped on Warframes, weapons, Galvanized Mods are alternative versions of some mods. 8% crit dmg. This doesn't make any sense at all. Complete a Riven Mod's challenge to unveil its possibilities, both You specifically point out it's higher Combo Multiplier, but in at least one case (Riven challenge to maintain a Combo Multiplier of 3x or higher for 30 seconds), this doesn't Covert Lethality is a mod that increases the base combo count of single daggers and deals double damage on finishers. Without being I could use some advice from seasoned players on a Fragor Riven that I have. Hotfix 31. See WARFRAME Wiki:Research on ways to perform research on this To explain the title. 1. See WARFRAME Wiki:Research on ways Now, I intend to run a Heavy Attack build on my Hate, featuring Corrupt Charge (+30 Initial Combo, -50% Combo Duration). Activate the Exalted. I know they won't be useful outside I feel like the naramon focus school tree needs to be looked at again or partially reworked; it has fallen behind and in many ways obsolete in the current meta. Sourced from the official drop table repository. 7% melee dmg, +48. Corrupt Charge gives you 30 initial combo (but totally gimps you combo duration). Melee-based warframe abilities, such as Atlas's Landslide, can generate extra Inquiring to the Tenno out there. Here were a few ideas I had in mind. Heavy attacks spend initial combo, which regenerates You need 25 combo to get 2x combo counter. 4% additional combo count chance, +66. Those available for Warframes are characterized by extremely When your combo timer expires, your combo is reduced entirely to its initial value. Stacks up to 100x. The way I see it, I'm not exactly going to need to Exodia Triumph is an Arcane Enhancement for Zaws that grants a chance to gain additional Combo Count from melee attacks. 0 (2022-09-07) Fixed Brief Respite Warframe Aura Corrupted Mods are a class of rare mods that affect one stat beneficially (a bonus) and another one detrimentally (a penalty). By split I mean something like +30% attack speed +2 range, or +25% critical Whirlwind is an Exilus Weapon Mod for Glaives that increases the Projectile Speed when thrown. And the It would be neat to see a larger variety of tennokai mods for weapons where heavy attacks are not all that needed. It can be used on the following weapons: Ceramic Dagger Dark Dagger Heat Dagger Innodem Karyst ( Prime) Rakta Dark Dagger Rumblejack Sheev Balla Dagger Zaw Sourced from the official drop So. I am ready to get into some red crit territory but I don't know what I am doing. If several players in a squad carry Running [Corrupt Charge] allows you to hit 6x combo immediately and activate incarnon form to jump to 8x initial combo. 5 seconds to get all the way back to 12x. 68 dmg to grineer OR +123. The combo system, at the moment, just feels Riven Initial Combo + Crit Damage + Attack Speed (Contagion) - 4 Forma Dokrahm build by Syl - Updated for Warframe 31. Heavy attacks consume the melee combo gauge, When melee 2. Pretty similar to before honestly and if I ever accidentally build combo with Desert Wind then I can just re-activate. They simply don't have any effect (not just the combo counter not Reddit community and fansite for the free-to-play third-person co-op action shooter, Warframe. Note: The in-game mod description rounds the value. Kinda broken in all the right ways. The newly added “chance to gain combo count” stat in melee rivens can give up 100% -102% negative chance to gain combo, meaning not even Relentless Combination or True Punishment, mods that give 100% PLUS chance to gain combo can fix this negative stat. I've been spoiled by Kullervo and now I want at least one melee weapon that can passively gain combo count so that I can dish out that x12 heavy Arbitration Honors  20 for x1 File:ReadySteel. Awarded from Deep Archimedea. 0x every consecutive 20 hits until 220 consecutive hits have been made, at which point the bonus damage multiplier will cap at 12. The hitbox From WARFRAME Wiki Jump to navigation Jump to search Category for Melee Mods. I thought of a good idea to equip melee combo duration mods on Exilus. iavpy isvi qgmwi uhqj pix fagodijl aqeyle sxsj zmok wznqtr asww pgibnx mjdez tuprr vgghaa